Gotta share a few more pics

The problem with taking so many pictures is then I just have to share them. Ha! Actually I hardly think that is really a problem. I really see this blog as a way to finally do some real journaling of our life as a family. I’m thrilled with how easy it is to sit down and write. I love taking lots and lots of pictures and capturing the children in their various states of ups and downs. I try to be real without being too personal or revealing. I love hearing from friends and family and know they are out there, separated by miles, but still connecting.

Thanks for commenting on the blog! It feels like you’re close by when you write.

Here are a few more pictures of our day.

Sarah gets ready to go outside.

Sweet sarah

I realized I didn’t have any pictures of Joshua out in the snow. Here he is by the neighbor’s house.

Rachel had a great time sledding down the neighbor’s yard. Our drive ways are just steep enough to make for a small sledding hill.

smiling rachel

Isn’t that a great smile! That girl is having fun!

close up of rach

Sometimes I make a big batch of popcorn for an afternoon treat. It hits the spot when everyone needs a snack and it’s still a good hour or two before dinner.


Today I put the glass bowl (that I used to melt the butter) on top of my griddle. The griddle was not hot and the bowl was empty. I turned around to pick up a piece of paper and heard a loud bang. I figured Joshua had dropped something. I was shocked to see the glass bowl in pieces. I’m still not sure why it cracked. The metal was too cold?? Any thoughts? And it was a favorite little glass bowl from my mil. I have several others (bowls that is, not mother’s in law) but we use them all the time and I hate to lose even one.

bowlcracked bowl
Cracked all the way around. Weird.

Thankfully no one was hurt and the popcorn was safe to eat. Ha!

Here is a picture of the yummy hot chocolate Joshua fixed for our evening treat (complete with scoop of chocolate ice cream). Truly looks good enough to drink/eat. Reminds me I haven’t had any chocolate since April 2005. That’s a long time!
hot cocoa

Daniel enjoyed his cup. When Tim makes rootbeer floats he lets the kids “holler” when they need a little more soda. This time they tried “hollering” for extra ice cream scoops. LOL! It worked. I think everyone got an additional spoonful or two of ice cream in their hot cocoa. Boy, these are some spoiled children!
daniel's cocoa

Another full day. Tomorrow we will work on any school work that was pushed aside this week in favor of snow fun. I think we have a meeting for our homeschooling co-op but I don’t know the time. Hmmm. I need to make a few calls. This year I will be teaching an hour of kindergarten, a Civil War class (per Joshua’s request) and a class based on the Young Peace Makers materials. I have learned so much in going through this conflict resolution series with my children. I am excited to bring the study to our co-op. I am very thankful to have some great co-teachers for two of my classes. I won’t be entirely on my own.

Tim gave me a Jars of Clay cd for Christmas. It’s their 2005 cd, Redemption Songs. I have been thoroughly enjoying one of the songs, O Come and Mourn with Me Awhile (Our Lord is Crucified). Beautiful. Of course, I’ll Fly Away, is on the cd as well and that’s a big favorite. Very singable.

jars of clay


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3 thoughts on “Gotta share a few more pics”

  1. You all flaunting your snow! Argh! And then the lemon juice in the paper cut is the irony of it all. When I consider that, I just want to laugh. Enjoy your snow!
    We really like all the blogs and pictures, so please keep up with Project 365!

  2. Hi Kathy,
    I found an old email where you’d sent this address so I recently checked your family’s blog. Fun to see all the family photos! …Blake bought me Redemption Songs last year as well–I love the song “I need thee every hour.” For a while that was my parenting-sanity song/prayer….Happy New Year!

  3. Paula!!!! So wonderful to hear from you. Glad you tracked us down. Gotta love the internet! How are you? It’s our W&M 15th this year. Can’t believe it!

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