Christmas Pictures Past and Present

I gathered these pictures while I was writing the Project 365 blog for Saturday and just had to post them. What a great look at Christmas over the years. I don’t have pictures scanned in the computer from most of the ’90′s so I’m missing all sorts of memorable shots. I’ll have to see if I can get one of the children to spend some time scanning them in.

Here’s a picture of Christmas in Michigan when Tim and I were dating. Wow, where do the years go by?
michigan christmas

I still have this Christmas quilt on the wall behind Joshua. I bought it at JC Penney’s and it looks as pretty now as it did then (although the colors might have been a little darker). Joshua must have been around 4 or 5 in this picture.

joshua pie

The year we moved to WA we didn’t have a Christmas tree (for the life of me I can’t remember why). We put all our presents on an IKEA bookshelf. Our decorations were all packed in boxes in the garage. Kids didn’t mind as long as we still celebrated Christmas. Ha!

ikea christmas

Christmas with David as the baby (2001) then Sarah as the babe in arms (2002).

david babysarah pie

Several times Rachel and I traveled to Minnesota before Christmas to see Nana, my mom, and her sisters. Tim liked to send me off so I would remember what a REAL winter feels like and appreciate the nice, warm rainy temps of WA.

MN christmas

Rachel, Nana, Aunt Stephanie, Aunt Kate, and Mamie.

How is it possible that the last couple of years we haven’t done this adorable pose (from 2003)??? Next year I’ll be sure to get one of the kids sitting in front of the tree. Don’t let me forget!

christmas kiddos

This was the only picture I could find of all the children in front of the Christmas tree in 2004.

2004 kids

This gorgeous tree was in the church lobby – 2005. What a bunch of sweetie pies – if you look closely you can see one of the children is trying hard not to cry (feeling sick but bravely carrying on for the sake of the photo).


Last but not least, a picture from 2006 of the children out on the property – marching about after opening Christmas presents with G’ma and G’pa. Ah, how the years do fly by. We seem to favor the color red – Very Christmasy (also works for Valentine’s Day LOL!!).



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4 thoughts on “Christmas Pictures Past and Present”

  1. Sooo cute and great! Love to see your family grow. I remember you and Tim as you were in that first pic, Kathy, the best. It kind of moved me to see that! It all came flooding back, those chicken wings with honey and soy sauce you would make at that professor’s house, and Cabell and praying for revival and our 5th roommate, Tim, not wearing shoes, and Genji, and mesa manna, and IV, and so much…all the feelings and sights and smells. It seems NOT so long ago but it WAS long ago. Inside I think of us as the same people, but you know, we are and we aren’t. Well here we are in the moment….Mom and wives and new states and countries…. Anne

  2. Anne–so true!!!! Thanks for the additional memories. It is crazy to think how the years have flown by. I am awfully glad you and I roomed together. You were an excellent roommate!! Miss you.

    Joyce–thanks for the affirmation. We’ll have to print these out for the kiddos one day. Love you!

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