P365 – Day 37 (Late)

I lost connectivity last night and couldn’t post my blog. I had the pictures uploaded but couldn’t connect to edgren.com. Ah well, that’s fine. I went to bed early. Looking around at my messy house this morning, perhaps I should have done a little tidying up instead of sleeping. What is that Proverb about sleeping too much?

A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest-
and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man. Proverbs 6:10-11

In my case, it’s a messy house and lots of dishes that will arrive in no time. Lol!

grandad and rachel

Grandad takes a break from a little computer work to hug Rachel.

The weather is grey and rainy these days. It is not, however, very cold so Mom and Dad are content. In Michigan yesterday ALL the schools in the area were closed due to extreme cold temperatures. Brrrrr!! That does NOT sound fun.

My parents brought goodie bags for all of us (a tradition whenever they visit – they spoil us). The boys (including Tim) all got a toy from Target made by my cousins company, Monkey Business Sports. We are all very excited that his company has a contract with Target and the toys are being sold nationwide.

daniel's rocket

Daniel gets ready to shoot his rocket.

Of course, the day wouldn’t be complete without some more pool time at the hotel. This time the boys went off with Grandad while the girls went to the library and shopping with Mamie. We all met up back at the pool so the girls could swim a little bit before dinner.

Daniel and David

Not sure why this is such a fun spot but there you have it.


Sarah at the pool

Thankfully Tim was home to put a ham and some Yukon potatoes in the oven. All we had to do was add a big salad, some toasted bread, sweet potatoes and we had a delicious dinner. The children were STARVING (poor dears) and thoroughly enjoyed every bite.

After dinner Daniel wanted to serve everyone dessert. We had ice cream Monday night so it was time for something different. He decided to serve graham cracker treats. He fixed some for everybody – even delivering them – and served himself last. Thank you, Daniel! That was a yummy dessert.

Daniel's dessert

Another fun day with the Michigan grandparents.


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One thought on “P365 – Day 37 (Late)”

  1. The indoor pool reminds me of doing the same thing when I lived up north. We would go to the hotels during the winter to swim in the “indoor” heated pools. We always thought that was so much fun to be swimming when it was freezing outside.

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