In His Service

What does it mean to be available to the Lord?

What does it mean to be ready and willing to say “yes” to His calling on your life? Does that mean we leave everything and go off to become missionaries?


I have two dear friends, wonderful but ordinary women with families and responsibilities and busy, full lives, who are both serving the Lord overseas. He called and they answered. Watching them say “yes” to God left me a bit breathless. One went to Africa for a year so her husband could serve as a doctor in a rural village. The other went through years of training to become a missionary and is still continuing language studies, now in Thailand.

Was there anything special about these two women and their husbands? Did they stand out in a crowd? Was there a unique spiritual glow about them? A sort of halo? No. Like many women in my church, they love the Lord. They work with children Sunday school classes. They pray and attend Bible studies. They laugh and cry and deal with the mundane chores of life.

What they did do, however, was say “YES” to the Lord. When He called them, they were available. Did they fuss and cry and worry and say, a thousand times, “how do we do this”? Absolutely. But in the end, they walked in faith and obeyed God’s call.

I think about them and what it means to listen for God’s call. In my busy, bustling household, it takes a loud voice to be heard.

“I’m in the mud room, I can’t hear you.”
“Mom…mumble, mumble, mumble,” children screaming, running feet.
“I said I CAN’T hear you! Come in here if you want to talk to me.”
Washer and dryer both running. Bathroom faucet splashing everywhere. Phone ringing. Computers clanging.

I can barely hear myself think, much less hear a call from the Lord. Sometimes, however, I think I’m waiting for a BIG, LOUD, DRAMATIC message from God. When that doesn’t come, I sigh and gather my things (usually laundry) and go on about my business, feeling somehow less worthy or less spiritual than those who are off serving God in foreign countries or in important ministries.

But what does it mean to be available to God? Are His calls only loud and booming, filled with drama? What about the quiet requests? What about the ordinary ones? Are these somehow less significant to God?

How about the announcement for the prayer meetings, all week, for the Easter services? Do I applaud and think, “It’s so wonderful that our church believes in prayer. I sure hope people go and pray.” Do I sit back and admire the “prayer warriors” in the church and marvel at their spiritual mightiness?

I wonder if being available to serve God, to be In His Service, means saying “yes” to little things, the things all around me. If perhaps it isn’t all flashy and exotic (filled with foreign sights and sounds) but is often simple steps of discipline. It’s inconvenient and time consuming to go to prayer meetings. Oh, the first one is great. There’s music and singing and a good crowd. But the next night, how many people come? What about the next? Or the next?

If I sit around waiting for a “Grand and Mighty Call from the Lord” and never listen for His quiet, still voice, what does that say about my faith and my walk? Why would I think God would give me an important, significant job if I’m not willing to take little steps? Do I say “yes” to the little bits of work He gives me. Is my default answer, “no” when people come to me with a need?

Tonight the phone rang. It was late (after 10:30 pm) which is never a good sign. My mind immediately thought of family or friends who might be in distress. In college, people would call at all hours of the day and night. In polite, grown up life most people don’t call after 9 pm. I guess we all have to get up for work or children and be responsible and all that.

It was M. on the phone. She was calling with an urgent need for help. Her friend was in the middle of a bad situation and she needed to go and pick her up. She asked me if I would go with her. It was late. I was tired. I already had my contacts out and my teeth brushed. I had stayed up late the night before and only gotten 6 plus hours of sleep. I had a bunch of computer work to do. And on and on. I didn’t hesitate for a moment.


“You can! Oh, thank you!” Poor M. was so flustered and in the of the crisis that it took her a few minutes to figure out I could best help. Finally she decided her husband would go with her to pick up the friend (and her car) if I would stay home with her kids.

“I’ll be there in 10 minutes,” I told her. “I have my shoes and sweatshirt on and am walking out the door.”

M. knew I am a night owl. She knew I would be awake. She hoped I would be available to help. Such a little thing for me to do and yet it enabled her to do a bigger thing which reaches out to touch (and maybe save) another person’s life. Ripples of significance stemming from obedience to God.

We won’t know the impact our little yes’s have for the kingdom of heaven until we walk with Jesus there. I want to live a life that hears the quiet AND the loud voice of the Lord and, more importantly, obeys. I want to become more and more practiced in the spiritual disciplines so God can use me.

“Yes, Lord, send me.”

To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away. Matthew 25:29


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11 thoughts on “In His Service”

  1. And God calls some of us to be home ministering to our children and those we encounter in the course of that ministry!

    You sound like a good friend!


  2. Ha! I wondered why it seemed you came to bed rather late!

    Sometimes (like with the prayer meetings last week) it is easy to say ‘No’ to God and easy to find reasons why one is not needed. Other times, God is more direct with us, and gives us our call a little more clearly — so that we know that we were hand-picked for a particular assignment and are not just another body in the crowd that doesn’t matter. I am glad you said ‘Yes’ — I’m proud of you. :)

    I am reminded of the command in II Thessalonians 3:13:

    And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right.

    This is true even at 10:30 pm on a day when you are already tired and have a lot of work to do. Praise be to God who permits us to be In His Service!

  3. Way to go! I’m sure you’re a GREAT friend, Kathy! I wish we lived closer so we could get to know each other better.

  4. Kathy,

    May I link to your thoughts here? I needed to hear this today. I can’t go into detail about what is going on in my life (it would be way to whiny) but this really helped my heart. ~Yvonne

  5. Yvonne – of course you can link to the blog. I’m sorry you are having some struggles. I thought whining for an audience was why we all started blogging. Not so? Oops, I guess I had better be careful in the future. :)

  6. Alas, I can’t really blame my late night babysitting/friend rescuing activities on my lack of sleep. I got home at a reasonable hour (for a night owl anyway) but then stayed up late to blog and write. Not to mention the delicious breakfast and lunch I whipped up for my beloved to carry off with him to work.

    I felt like God was sort of stirring up my thoughts and I wanted to capture them while they were still fresh. If I begin writing and don’t finish, I often let it languish and never go back to complete the work. Hmmm, I hate to do much reflection on what that says about my character in general. Ha!

  7. Dorothy – exactly! I think God has called anyone with children and a husband (hopefully those go together) to care and minister for their family. Too many times I feel my “home” duties are boring or mundane and I forget what a beautiful thing it is, to the Lord, to be raising my children to honor and love Him.

    I thought it was fascinating that Tim and I were just talking about being available to be used by the Lord (in big and small, flashy and behind the scenes ways) and a friend called and needed me. Perhaps the Lord was giving me an opportunity to show whether I had learned and internalized any of the discussion. Perhaps I was just more aware of the obvious opportunity because of our recent conversation.

    Whatever the case, I was glad I could go and help.

  8. Great entry, Kathy. It is very timely for me. Sometimes it isn’t about the hearing but the doing and then the doing with a contented and willing heart. Brian and I feel we have answered the call to adopt these kiddos, but I am not always very willing or contented!

    I enjoy your blog so much. It makes me laugh, smile and sometimes cry a bit, but always think.


  9. Wonderful!!! So inspiring! And spoke to me so much…..If I put a link to your blog in an email, could I also copy and paste this so I can send it to my friends— I know this would mean a lot to them but doubt many would click the link neccessarily, it would be easier if they could read it in the email and I know they would be blessed by your writing….
    Regardless, thank you for following the Lord’s call to write this. it was inspired!

  10. Kathy, that is exactly what the Lord wants from us, willingness to serve Him where we are and with what He has given us. One can be overseas and not content, outwardly serving in the ‘big and flashy ways’ and still doing it in their own strength. I learn more and more that all He wants is for us to walk in dependence of Him in all circumstances, I think that is the hardest of all for us independent people. We think we know what to do and how to do and He wants us to look to Him for wisdom, discernment, direction and strength. I do not think there are small ways in which we serve the Lord. Any service to Him and willingness to do what He asks is precious and valuable. Being His hands and feet and arms and hands in any situation is holy.

  11. Tina – do you think it’s independance or stubbornness or maybe even pride? I find myself rebelling when people tell me what to do. I definitely have a stubborn streak. And, I guess, I also often think I know what’s best in a situation. Sigh. Hard to see so many flaws. Amazing He still loves and uses us.

    I love what you wrote. Thank you for the reminder that serving the Lord is always valuable – nothing small about being available.

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