My Three Sons

It’s morning! Time for breakfast, school, chores and a little brotherly snuggling. Thank goodness there is always a camera at hand to capture these sweet moments. Look, no tears, fighting or name calling. They’re obviously still asleep.

three brothers

Joshua - I’m the long suffering big brother. My smile is calm and serene but notice my death grip on Daniel’s hand. This is definitely a battle I’m going to win.

David - This is such a comfy spot. I love Joshua. Let’s Wrestle, Josh!

Daniel - It may be early morning but I’m dressed and ready to play NOW! Yeah, Joshua, let’s wrestle. I think I can take you!

Ah, brothers! Where else can you push and pull and wrestle and fight and love your way through life?

And, if you are very, very blessed, one day you might end up with sons (and gourds) of your very own.

boys will be boys

Cousin Timothy, Tim, Joshua and Uncle Momo (aka Mark) Thanksgiving 2005.

Kathy – Mother to three boys/Sister to three boys/Wife of just one

I am obviously one of the Very Blessed!!

Project 365 – Day 143

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4 thoughts on “My Three Sons”

  1. My mind goes back (without the aid of the mists of time) to an early photograph of Joshua in his crib, in our third-floor apartment in Connecticut. Kathy, taking the picture, assured me I was not within the frame of the shot; this was important because I was less than scantily clad. Imagine my chagrin when the pictures were developed and a very unflattering angle-shot of me in my birthday suit was revealed. I had wondered at the strange expression on the face of the photo clerk when she handed over the prints — needless to say, it was some months before I was able to shop at that store again.

    The lesson in all this is to ensure that you avoid all photographers or insist on seizing the memory card if your picture is taken, lest you appear in all your glory on somebody’s blog, some years later. Who knew that the ‘superstitions’ of some tribal peoples, fearing that their spirit would be captured by a camera, were right all along! :)

  2. I remember Joshua as a tiny baby in CT, too. What a sweetie pie. Who ever knew he’d grow so big, and handsome, and strong, and kind!! The Lord. AK

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