Sleep Blogging Again?

I don’t know why I wait until so late in the evening to begin blogging. You would think I would start a little earlier in order to actually be awake when I write. Nope.

I can barely keep my eyes open and I can tell I’m in a dangerous position right now – soft lap pillow underneath my wireless keyboard (oh yeah, I’m spoiled), the Cream Puff Lazy Boy is back in full recline position, the lights are dim and the dishwasher is humming along happily. Truly I don’t know anyone who blogs in such a pampered setting.


Thankfully, I can always post random pictures. Those are never turned away. :)

Of course, this also leads to potential sleep blogging. I’ve described sleep blogging in detail before so I won’t go into it all again. Suffice to say, it does make for creative blogging and a stressful morning until I can get the blog cleared by Tim and the children. There is a certain level of extra strain in my voice when I ask Tim (in the morning) if he enjoyed the blog. I keep expecting him to say something like, “What in the world were you rambling about?” or “Did you have any idea what you were saying?” Or maybe, “Did you start out awake when you began blogging last night?” He’s obviously familiar with my comfortable blogging spot and the hour of day (or rather, night, heh, heh) in which I write.

rachel's random picture

My plan is to count sleep stolen in the recliner toward my night’s rest. I can get close to a decent 6, 7 or 8 hours that way. As long as I have strong coffee available the next day, I’m okay. Really. Pay no attention to the twitch.

colorful kids

The kids take a rest from their playing.

I’m afraid I’m too tired to come up with anything creative tonight. I’ll share some key points from our day.

- Joshua went off on a sleepover. Rachel and Daniel are very jealous.
- We had a play date with Julee and her girls this afternoon.
- We watched the delightful Miss Potter movie.
- We went for a bike ride after supper.

biking family

Not only are we campers but we’re also bikers! It’s a proud moment, truly.

I don’t think I should blog any further. I’ve started two other sentences that made absolutely no sense but seem to contain pieces of last night’s dream. I’m telling you, sleep blogging is a serious disorder.

I’ll make sure I have some adorable if random pictures and say goodnight. Sorry this wasn’t meaningful, spiritual or even funny. Sometimes the sleep just presses in and there’s nothing to do but give in to it.

Project 365, Day 194

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7 thoughts on “Sleep Blogging Again?”

  1. A blog is better than no blog! and random pictures are perfectly acceptable! It’s always funny to the kids when I fall asleep on the couch and they wake me up to ask me some innane question. I jump 10 feet high because I’ve been peacefully snoozing away only to wake up with a child’s face 2 inches from mine! Mom’s will catch their sleep when they can!

    Enjoy Cream Puff to the max!!!

  2. Kathy, did you get your hair cut short? Or is it just the breeze blowing your hair back in that last shot? It looks like a cute, little bob!

  3. Get to sleep, sweet Katherine.

    I am esp fond of the beautiful picture of Rachel in this blog. What a lovely girl she is. Did you know how much Uncle Jerry liked being with her at Phil’s wedding? He kept saying to me- she is smart and funny and kind and interesting.

    God probably knew we shouldn’t have had girls- would have spoiled them rotten. BUT WOW how gracious of Him to let us have grand daughters and grand nieces! Sweet.

    Love you, Aunt Kate

  4. Posie – I’ve had that same experience. Shoots the adrenaline right through me. Ha! Of course, my kids love to play the “wake up mommy/daddy” game where we pretend to be asleep on the couch.

    I knew there were some people out there who like the random, not at all related to the blog, pictures. :)

  5. Tracy – nope, just a pony tail, wind and a messy hair day. I wasn’t thrilled with the last haircut I got that was on the short side. I decided to leave it long for a while. Then I catch a glimpse of a picture with a really cute short haircut and I’m tempted again. I have to remind myself the picture looks good but that might have been a rare occurance. Ha!

  6. I KNOW what your problem is… see you try to blog at the end of an exhausting day and we, your blogosphere friends, get only whatever you have leftover at the end of the day. I REALLY think you ought to consider blogging during prime school, kid play, home keeping time.. don’t you think? You could just leave the dishes or toilets for those 1/2 asleep times of the evening. I think that is a much better plan (LOL)!

    Seriously, blog whenever you want. I always find your blogs FUN! I am more funny and creative when I’ve had less sleep… hmmmm… now I think I should try sleep blogging instead of prime time blogging…. I’ll think on that.

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