Bloggy Give Away

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A fellow blogger, Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer, is hosting a blog giveaway this week. Click on the blue link to check out her blog — Give Away. Bloggers from far and wide have stopped in at Shannon’s blog to list their giveaways. At this point there are over 300 people offering fun treats of all sizes and shapes. What a great idea to spice things up in the middle of the July!

Most of the contests are randomly drawn so everyone has a chance to win. Enjoy the fun! If you have a blog and want to offer a giveaway, be sure to add yourself to the list. There are instructions on Shannon’s site.

Kathy – off to sign up and WIN something!! :)

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7 thoughts on “Bloggy Give Away”

  1. too tired to concentrate on this tonight. Love blogs and winning prizes and getting give a ways. But not tonight. Am praying for sweet David and wisdom in the household. Love you guys, lots. Aunt Kate

  2. I think I received this twice. But not one to miss an opportunity to reply-here I am again. Hyumm. I’m confused AND tired. Nite nite. AK

  3. Sorry about that! We are moving stuff over to our new (more expensive) virtual server and things pretty much crashed a bit today. I had to recreate this post and resubmit it. That’s why you received two notifications but there’s one blog. Clear now? Heh, heh, heh.

  4. I guess I haven’t read far enough back in your blog to figure out yet why you ar ehaving to move it over, but I’ll keep reading and see what I find out!

  5. Oh..and of course I forgot to mention what I was really going to say which is THANKS for the blog give away info. I’ll have to go check it out! I REALLY like how you can see the blog post above where you’re commenting. You can’t see it with blogger and I always tend to forget what all I wanted to comment about.

  6. Cynthia,

    That used to bug me about Blogger too, but I discovered a solution. If you look really closely, you will notice a link that says, “Show Original Post” in the upper left that you can click on to show the original blog you are commenting on.

  7. Carl,
    I have NEVER noticed that before. I’ll have to go look at one of the blogger blogs now and give it a try! Thanks so much for the tip!

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