Staying Connected

One of the main reasons for the resurrection of Project 365, has been that our blog writing last year was not very impressive. It earned us a fairly high level of collective scorn from the kids who were away at college.

Ordinarily, this wouldn’t be much of a problem, because college students are renowned for being poor communicators. Most of them head off to school blithely, and the next time you hear from them, it is time to come home for the summer.

But not our kids. They are very intentional about calling us, and Skype-ing us nearly every weekend. Joshua set the pattern when he went off to school, and Rachel must have assumed it was normal behavior. It is all very nice, but it makes it hard to be a slacker parent.

Rachel is pretty, even when she's a digital picture of a Skype screen.

Rachel is pretty, even when she’s a digital picture of a Skype screen.

Today Rachel wanted to connect with us all, so we fired up Skype on Kathy’s computer, but soon ran into technical problems. So Joshua whipped out his laptop, and we all gathered around to talk with her about the class she is taking for January Term, and how she is doing in general.

We are especially thankful for Joshua and Rachel's close relationship.

We are especially thankful for Joshua and Rachel’s close relationship.

It was delightful to hear from her. We are very thankful that our college kids remember to connect with us, notwithstanding my resentful tone.

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5 thoughts on “Staying Connected”

  1. Clearly you’re “cool” parents, not slackers, if your kids take the initiative to connect with you!!

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