Category Archives: Works for Me Wednesday


WFMW–Travel Outfits


This is our first entree into the world of Works for Me Wednesdays. Shannon, over at the Rocks In My Dryer blog, hosts a fun carnival on Wednesdays where other bloggers chime in to share their tips and tricks and general advice.

This week the topic is parenting which is timely because I am a parent. If the theme had been Creative Ways to Decorate with Lint or Techniques of Professional Grouters, I would have been hard pressed to come up with something helpful.

Tim and I are very passionate about parenting. We are constantly studying, learning, and praying for wisdom in our parenting. One of our desires is to start a Tips for Tuesday Parenting Blog, to post, conveniently, on Tuesdays. We will begin next week, so come back and visit us for some further thoughts on parenting.

Today’s Parenting Tip – Coordinating Travel Outfits

Whenever we travel as a family, I make sure we are dressed in matching colors. This is done for both safety (easy to spot a wandering child in a crowd) and entertainment. By today’s standards we are a huge family and it pleases me to revel in our distinction. I am eager for everyone to know we are together and pleased to be known as a family.

texas 2006

August 2006 – By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13:35

There is also a subtle accountability that comes with this coordination. When a child puts on the Chosen Color of the Day and begins the journey, his identity has connection and meaning. He isn’t just a person traveling alone in a crowd; he belongs to a family. He is connected and his actions reflect upon the entire group. Similarly, as parents, when we dress to match the children, we are recognizing and identifying them as part of our circle of travelers. Without any additional words, we are acknowledging responsibility and culpability for our little color coordinated tribe.

Of course, the resulting amusement of those who see us, often works to our advantage. People become more amiable and jovial, softening in the presence of our group of sojourners. It helps that the children are heavily stocked with candy, treats and books/movies and are usually very well-behaved.

flying to MI June 2007

June 2007 – Let me give you a new command: Love one another. In the same way I loved you, you love one another. This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples—when they see the love you have for each other. John 13:35

The only problem is keeping the outfits clean. One little spill, a change of clothes and the poor child is symbolically ostracized from the entire family. The trauma of that could last for years. Obviously this little parenting tip is rich with many far-reaching implications.

Join us next week for Tips for Tuesday – Parenting.


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