P365 – Day 40 (School Spot)

Whoops–It looks like I have two Day 38′s. Well, these things happen. I’ll just jump ahead to Day 40 and fix the other post.

Somehow I went through the entire day without taking a single picture (gasp!). I even had my camera with me and still forgot – too busy teaching, I guess.

I was exhausted this afternoon/evening. I came home from co-op, read my e-mail and then climbed into bed with my Bible, journal and a magazine. Tim’s home office is upstairs in our room so I was able to talk with him about my day, spend some time praying with him (been TOO long since we’ve had our couple prayer time), and then just relax reading. Rachel came and read her book next to me. Very cozy.

I stayed in bed until dinner time – had Daniel and Rachel fix frozen pizzas. It was wonderful. We watched part of Calamity Jane over dinner.

calamity jane

How is it possible that I have somehow missed this little treasure? It was hilarious – songs and dancing and Indians – a perfect mix not to mention Doris Day and our favorite, Howard Keel (Adam Pontipee from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers). I definitely want to add this to our collection of musicals.

7 brides

Tim went back upstairs to work after dinner and, at some point, I got a sudden burst of energy. I decided to rearrange the dining room and vacuum the downstairs. I turned the music up loud and got to work. We have Bible study at our house this weekend so I was motivated to do some cleaning. Somehow my energy lasted through all the furniture moving and vacuuming. I’m beat now and ready for bed. Not sure who is going to clean the kitchen. Tim is still upstairs working, bless his heart. Joshua is off at the middle school retreat. He’s the dinner dishes person this week so I guess I might have to tackle the kitchen myself.

My Project 365 picture(s) of the day comes from the living room. Our favorite school couch time/reading spot and the very full bookshelves next to it. Rather boring with no children in sight but at least the floor is vacuumed. Lol!

Big Bluebookshelves


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8 thoughts on “P365 – Day 40 (School Spot)”

  1. How embarrassing that I have never done anything to make those Leksvig book-shelves stand up straight. That’s one of those things that I never quite get to … how did we possibly not persuade Grandad to take a look at that, during his visit? Oh, wait, we worked him to the bone on other projects, now I remember.

    It is interesting to notice that my working last night energized Kathy to work around the house, and vice-versa. Misery likes company, perhaps? :)

  2. I used to love those hours laying around in bed…hasn’t happened since the new kids have been home…someday maybe again.

    Crooked or not, I envy all that bookshelve space. We are redoing our family room and lots and lots of shelving is on the list of things to add.

  3. Debbie–I agree! We LOVE bookshelves. When we first moved to this house I think I went to Ikea several times, all with the goal of More Bookshelves!!! We are finally at a place where I don’t think we can fit any more in. Ha! Dh teases me that we can build an addition out of Flarkes (cheap bookshelf from IKEA). Lol!

  4. I think it’s been FOREVER since I was able to lounge around in bed for an afternoon…. Maybe someday when I’m retired (LOL)! I have been taking a few naps a week though and those are nice… then I get a 2nd wind like you and end up staying up until late at night to clean or work on bookwork….

  5. Calamity Jane is a big favorite of mine too. My first thought when I read about your “sudden burst of energy” for housework was the inspiration of Doris Day taking a scruffy looking old cabin and transforming it into a dream house, singing “A Woman’s Touch” the whole way through.

    But of course you will want to keep Tim thinking it was his inspiration, so I won’t give it away.

  6. Your shelves look very tidy, Kathy!

    That sofa looks very inviting too! I could snuggle up there and read my way through your shelves easily!


  7. Carl–I never thought about it but you are probably right. The movie no doubt inspired me! I need to learn the words to that song. Ha!

    Dorothy–thanks for the kind words about my “tidy” shelves. Whenever I have friends over to help me work on decorating the house they ALWAYS tell me I need to clear out the shelves and pare down. Sigh. Of course, none of them are homeschoolers so perhaps they have a different perspective on things.

    I’m going for the cluttered, ecletic, lots of books, hey we live and school here, look! LOL!

  8. Kathy – even though I am not homeschooling anymore I still have bookshelves full of books. It is very hard for me to get rid of them. Last year I did get rid of some of them but they were mostly “school” books.

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