P365 – Day 41 (Saturday Silliness)

Tim got up this morning before I did. He encountered some silly looking creatures milling about the living room.

cool dudes

I missed the entire thing. I’m so glad Tim captured these “wild animals” on film. The sunglasses really make the outfit – not sure who came up with that little accessory idea.



I was cold this afternoon and spent part of the day wearing the hood to my sweatshirt. The kids love to borrow my camera (like mother/like son or something like that). David took a picture of me while Daniel snuck behind, planning to go out and watch a Clifford movie.


Daniel, Rachel and I spent close to an hour and a half at the church library, sorting and alphabetizing books. Lots and lots of books. The library moved from its old spot to make way for a renovated nursery. There were only a few women there sorting books so I was very glad that we went by to help. Rachel was especially helpful. Daniel spent most of his time building elaborate mazes out of the empty boxes. Lol!

After supper Rachel and I went to the produce store to buy things for a fruit tray. There is a benefit concert for the Refuge tomorrow afternoon. We’re providing a big fruit tray as well as adorable grandchildren to hand out bulletins, welcome people, etc. Tim will take pictures.

While Rachel and I were at the store the younger kids played a rousing game of Pay Day. Joshua is still off at the Middle School Church Retreat. I believe David was the Pay Day winner. Way to go, Little Buddy. Rachel and I got home in time for Rachel to take some pictures of their game.

pay day playing Payday

We have a busy day tomorrow but the house is fairly picked up so I’m ahead of the game in that regard. Daniel worked on the garage today while Rachel cleaned two bathrooms. David and Sarah made sure their bedrooms were all cleaned up. I washed laundry but still need to tidy up my bedroom. It’s awfully nice to have some extra hands around to help.


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5 thoughts on “P365 – Day 41 (Saturday Silliness)”

  1. CUTE pictures! That would be something to wake up to. Sorting books for your library sounds like a very rewarding volunteer project! When you’re looking for another book sorting project you can just stop by my house… I always have a ton of things to sort and organize!

  2. I know — we are a seriously game oriented family. Some families are musical, others artistic, we are gamers. Not sure if there’s a huge amount of value there but that’s who we are. A bit of a contrast to those wonderfully coordinated homeschooling children each playing a different instrument (including mom and dad)? Well, I doubt they’ll ever have us get up on stage and “perform” one of our games. LOL!!

  3. Kathy – I wish we lived closer. I LOVE to play games. My family does play games but not as much as I like. Your kids look adorable! Great pics!

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