P365 – Day 94 (Grandma Honey Writes!)

Our excitement for the day – Sarah and David got letters today from Grandma Honey!!! Grandma Honey (I’m pretty sure that’s her real name) teaches a class at our homeschooling co-op. She is beloved by children and parents alike. She leads the kids in songs, talks to them about the months of the year, colors with them and, at the end of semester, puts on a wonderful tea for the mothers and fathers complete with juice and treats.

sarah and her brothers

Sarah’s brothers gather to see her exciting mail.

One family I know changed their schedule to insure their middle son could be in Grandma Honey’s class. She inspires love and devotion, doesn’t put up with any nonsense, and loves the children back with sincerity.

David has gotten mail before, so he was a bit jaded about it all. Sarah, however was enthralled with her letter. She spent some time trying to open it.

sarah's lettercan't open it

There was a moment of panic when Sarah couldn’t get her letters out of the envelope. “Help!! Is there a trick to this?” she cried.

One thing Grandma Honey included in her package of letters was a copy of the songs they sing in class. Tim came by at this point and read/sang the songs to David and Sarah (much to Joshua’s chagrin – some of those tunes stick in your head all day!). Sarah spent the next hour working carefully on the beautiful coloring page.

It’s such a blessing to have people in your children’s lives that encourage and love them. Who wouldn’t like a Grandma Honey?


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11 thoughts on “P365 – Day 94 (Grandma Honey Writes!)”

  1. Doesn’t the name just fit perfectly also? My dh still remembers his babysitter when he was 2-3: Mrs. Softie.

    What a blessing for your children to have someone like this touch their lives.

  2. Last week Sarah had a friend over, and they were apparently bored. So they decided that it would be really fun to jump on Joshua and sing “Mr. Bluebird on my shoulder”. That was all they sang, I was never sure if there was more to the song or not. Though they would scream at the end of the song, usually at a pitch so high that I am not sure my eardrums have not shattered. This is one of the songs from Grandma Honey’s class.

  3. The picture of Sarah opening the letter was just so adorable! She has the look of wonder and amazement on her face. She so cute as is all of your adorable children!

  4. How sweet! We have a couple of grandmas and grandpas who come to help at our co-op, too. We even have one “grandma” who doesn’t have any homeschooled kids in the co-op. She just comes because MY mom comes and she loves to hang out with us. She really believes in what we’re doing!

  5. I’d love ANY sort of Grandma or Grandad in my children’s lives!

    You are blessed!

  6. Kathy,
    Elise had a whole note to send to Sarah and then we lost our connection…grrr.! She was wondering what kind of stickers Sarah got in her letter?

    We LOVE Grandma Honey! We should think of something extra special to do for her, like a tribute at the end? She reminds me of my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Flagg. She made me stay in for recess a few times to copy my name correctly but I forgave her because she was so sweet, firm and in calm.

    Did you have a teacher who sticks out as special?

  7. Dorothy – do you not have a real or surrogate G’ma and G’pa in your children’s lives? I’m so sorry! We have been very blessed to have both real and church/adopted family. This Grandma Honey is a real treasure. She had Daniel (middle son) in her class for two years and now she has the younger two. She always pulls me aside and tells me how sweet the kids are. Such an encouragement to this often tired mom. :)

  8. Cindy – I love the older folks who come and help with our co-op. We have one gentleman who teaches a World War 2 class (from his own experiences) that has the kids spellbound. He’s teaching German right now and my oldest ds loves it. I think it’s such a gift to serve in this way. I wish more older grandma/grandpas would come and share their experience and talents with homeschooling co-ops. It’s such a perfect way for the two generations to connect.

  9. Jen – sorry Elise lost her letter to Sarah. My dad said he’s going to write her (so she’ll get some more mail – ha). I definitely think we should do something special at the end of the year. Help me think and organize it or it will never happen. I’m just not that together! What did you have in mind???

  10. Kathy,
    No, we don’t.
    Jamie’s parents both died when he was young (18 and 21) and mine cut themselves off from us many years ago now. I’ve tried for reconciliation but they are not interested. Just as well probably, as they are not really very nice folks.

    I’ve prayed and prayed for some older couple to love us and mentor us, but it has never happened. Parenting (especially parenting a child with special needs) on your own, with no love and support from an older generation, is very, very hard.

    But I suppose God knows what He is doing with us.

  11. Kathy,
    I agree… it’s a blessing to have grandparents who want to be involved in co-op! Our co-ops sound a little alike!

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