P365 – Day 125 (Knight’s Adventure)

This group is not as innocent as they look.


No, underneath those polite smiles and gentle demeanors lie ruthless, battle driven hearts.

It all started in a land far, far away. The Grand Papa of Them All championed his Tallest Knight for a risky and terrible quest – to slay the Front Tree. Aye, the Front Tree of unwieldy branches. It was a brisk and gray day, the air carried the promise of a drizzle. There was no time for delay, at any moment the Great Lawn Debris Munching Monster would be arriving to whisk away unsuspecting leaves and branches. The Tallest Knight hurried on his way, saw in hand.

The Grand Papa worried that the task was too difficult, too unpleasant…too fun???

The Tallest Knight enlisted two Red Squires. These faithful companions rode out with the Tallest Knight, ready to be by his side through any hardship they might face. No school work was too pressing that it could not be laid aside for this adventure. This was what they had been training and waiting for all these months.

red knights

practicing for war

After the Front Tree was appropriate vanquished, there was much pillaging and plundering. Even the Princess of the town picked up a piece of the spoils. There was victory and, as hoped, a light mist in the air.

sarah fights

Since this terrible battle, the training among the Tallest Knight and his Squires has been fierce. They are ready to go out and defend the innocent people of the land, tackling Front AND Back Trees as necessary.

daniel's stick


Sometimes, when the wind is crisp, the sky blue and the tattered flags flying, the line between pretend and actual battle is blurred.

joshua and daviddavid and joshua 2

The Tallest Knight has learned he must watch his squires carefully.

the squire and his knight

The Princess has proved a diligent student of the arts. She pursues her drills with a passion.

sarah and danielsarah runs

The Princess does not stop until her enemies are brought to their knees. The Tallest Knight would be wise to choose her for his next quest, wherever it may be.

sarah and daniel

There will be no fear in the hearts of the people of this drizzly land, for the Tallest Knight, his Faithful Squires, and the Pink Princess are ready for action.

what a group!


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8 thoughts on “P365 – Day 125 (Knight’s Adventure)”

  1. Kathy,
    I just LOVE the creativity and variety in your blog. You have a gift for writing. I look forward to reading your blog each day because I just never know what it’s going to be!

  2. Yea, verily, forsooth and all that.

    I probably should have charged the Tallest Knight for the privilege of attacking the Front Tree, as much fun as the kids have had with those sticks. As much as we have adapted to city life, I think the kids really miss being around all those handy play facilitators trees.

    Where else can you overhear this conversation:

    Child: Mom, can I cut down a tree?
    Mom: Yes, but don’t squash your brother, and be sure not to leave Daddy’s chainsaw in the rain!

    Well, OK, I wouldn’t let them use my chainsaw, but that never stopped Daniel, who once (or probably several times) chopped down a tree with a hammer. What’s that old saying, “To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a tree … “?

  3. I admire the pink princess, she is very talented. She actually knocked my sword out of my hand. I think She is very brave. In the game we play David is called Zach the Great. He is very brave.

  4. Kathy,
    Isn’t it amazing what kids can do with sticks? I hear this from my husband’s mouth constantly, “Who put those sticks in my garage? Get those sticks out of my garage!” Too funny!

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