Disappearing blogs

I did post a blog last night. Really, I did. Some of you even got a nice little e-mail notification. Sorry about that. Is there such a thing as blogging false alarms? The gal who cried “Blog!” Thankfully it wasn’t a very brilliant or witty, or even mildly amusing, post. The pictures, often a redeeming factor in the blog, were only average. So actually, you should be thanking me for sparring you the annoyance of a sub par blog.

What happened is I posted the blog to our old server whereas Tim has moved everything to the new server. It all seems a bit science fiction-y to me but I listen attentively and murmur words of encouragement as needed. I’m sure that I am a big help.

It has definitely been a big job to move everything over to this new server. I still don’t understand why the hosting company isn’t more helpful. Let’s see, I pay you MORE money each month and then I do all the work myself? Of course! Silly me.

david's tortured look

David is VERY upset about all of the website trouble we’ve been having. Look at that agony, the boy is suffering.

To add insult to injury, I left my camera at our pastor’s house last night when we were over for dinner. Boy, getting it back from him is probably going to be costly.

“Sure, Kathy, you can have your camera. Which class would you like to teach for VBS? Oh, sorry Kathy, I left your camera at home. You can have it tomorrow, maybe, but first let’s talk about the need we have for nursery workers.”

Shew. Holding a camera for ransom seems low, even for a pastor.

rachel's hat

What would I do without these self-portraits of some of my favorite children?

Of course, being an overachiever in the Project 365 department, I do have a few other pictures to choose from for the odd blog (odd being the number, not content or state of the blogger). On Sunday we had lunch with Tim’s family. During our conversation it came out that Rebecca (15 yrs. next month) has some sensory “issues.” She even went so far as to call my beloved orange chair (Orange Crush) “almost evil.” I guess the pseudo velour fabric isn’t to her liking. So, of course, before she left we had to tie her up and make her sit in it.

That’s the kind of loving family we are.

rebecca is tortured

How can you NOT like this chair? Some people have no taste.

Tim’s brother insists that these kind of odd quirks and eccentricities always accompany a true genius so we’re trying not to be overly concerned about Rebecca.

Of course, when I’m not tying up nieces and nephews and forcing them to face their fears, I occasionally torture them with family pictures.

“You’ll thank me later,” I tell them but so far no one has. Blogging has created a photo monster in me, what can I say. I’ve heard scrapbookers talk about how, after years of scrapping, they begin to compose pictures to fit in their oval and circle cropping stencils. Some even dress their family members in clothing matches their scrapbook paper. By comparison, I’m almost normal. Almost.

three generations

Three generations!

We aren’t wearing matching shirts or even perfectly coordinated colors but I think it works.

the ladies

We needed Tim’s sister and her family to complete the photo shoot.

I apologize for any any e-mail troubles you’ve had with our account or wild blogging goose chases you might have experienced this week. Tim is slowly working through all the steps to ensure everything is working smoothly.

Project 365 – Day 203

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6 thoughts on “Disappearing blogs”

  1. The pictures of the family are great! Also, I feel your pain about leaving your camera somewhere . .. I left mine at the church office this week and felt so weird without it for 24 hours . . . maybe I should get a backup :-)

  2. Emily – we definitely need back up cameras. Cell phones with decent resolution might work. You let me know what you do and I’ll follow. :)

  3. LOL on the camera ransom >VBG>! I’ve lost some blogs myself, but usually it’s because I haven’t saved (which thankfully blogger now saves automatically) something and the power has had a blip!

    I hate to admit that I’ve been known to be one of “those” scrapbookers (LOL)! And.. now I’d have to admit that I occasionally ask for pictures of a certain type for the BLOG! Our little 4 yo tells me quite often that this or that would be perfect for the blog (LOL)! Wouldn’t you think a 4 yo shouldn’t even know about blogging yet?

  4. Love the text on David’s photo, lol! Lovely family pictures. I tried to read your blog Sat. night but couldn’t connect . . .

  5. I still am not sure what I am going to do . .. I was at our house of prayer tonight and my battery on the camera went out . . .I guess I need to start carrying my charger with me . . .

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