Captain America, Held for Ransom

We had dinner tonight at our pastor’s home, farewelling one of our elders (and his family) who is moving away. We talked of many things, enjoyed a delicious meal, and prayed over the family. It was a lovely evening, albeit bittersweet.

I had occasion to speak with one of my friends about many silly things, including this icebreaker personality question:

“If you had to smell like a vegetable, which would you choose?”

Loyal to my recent horticultural efforts, I chose the tomato (yes, I know that some misguided folk think the tomato is a fruit, in defiance of the Supreme Court*), while Kathy chose pumpkin. Other interesting choices were rhubarb and celery — I’m not sure what that reveals about the personalities who chose those vegetables, but it can’t be good.

Thumbs Up for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders
Captain America tries to put a good face on it, but you can see he’s one cigarette from a firing squad.

As our discourse wandered, my friend admitted that his obsessive-compulsive nature extends its tentacles deeply into his life. Observing a Super Heroes game that his son brought to the party, he confided that, in the unhappy event that one of the game pieces were lost, he would have to throw away the whole game, since any replacement pieces would not fully match.

Naturally, I spent the rest of the evening stealing pieces and hiding them about my person. I managed to leave the party with Captain America still in my possession.

Captain America meets an accident
Don’t make us get rough …

So, Mr. L, if you ever want to see the good Captain back in his box, both halves attached properly, please leave a jar of Nutella in the Church Library, behind the Veggie Tales videos.

Project 365, Day 124

*The U.S. Supreme Court settled the controversy in 1893 by declaring that the tomato is a vegetable, based on the popular definition that classifies vegetables by use, that they are generally served with dinner and not dessert (Nix v. Hedden (149 U.S. 304)).

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4 thoughts on “Captain America, Held for Ransom”

  1. “No way!” I declared, on reading that the U.S. Supreme Court actually issued a decision on the tomato’s status. So I went to the source of all truth – Wikipedia – and sure enough…! Amazing. However, Tim, you neglected the context, and this key bit, “The holding of the case applies only to the interpretation of the Tariff Act of March 3, 1883, and the court did not purport to reclassify the tomato for botanical or other purposes other than paying a tax under a tariff act.” So the tomato was safe from the tariff on veggies. And, added benefit, when asked by health-conscious nagging women, one can say – legally, if not botanically – “yes, I’ve eaten my vegetables; I ate tomatoes.” Which begs the next question – is it ‘tomatoes’ or ‘tomatos’?

  2. Way to keep Tim in line Liz!
    Context is key you know.

    How about a cherry tomato, still a veggie, or back to the realm of fruit?
    Don’t forget grape tomatoes too.

  3. All who read this blog, take note: Tim is not above messing with a person’s severe personal disabilities — in this case, my OCD. If I had checked my son’s game when I got home last night and realized I was missing a superhero, I would have spent the night sleepless.

    Would Tim puncture a man’s wheelchair tire? Would Tim put a hole into a bubble boy’s protective shell? Would Tim hide a person’s insulin? The answers to all of these questions is apparently “Yes.”

  4. Corn. Everybody knows corn smells delicious.

    You learn something new everyday. I hadn’t realized that SCOTUS ruled on the tomato fruit/veggie issue. Good to know. I actually assumed you made it up, but I looked it up for good measure. Truth is stranger than fiction.

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