Computer Troubles

My computer is sluggish and slow today. I don’t know if it is the internet connection, our web hosting, or something sinister running on the computer.

Whatever it is, it’s annoying! I’m part of the microwave generation – I like my computer experience to be quick and speedy, with little delays between the clicks of my mouse. It’s taking forever, like totally 37 minutes, to upload pictures for the blog. I often don’t begin writing until nearly midnight. I don’t have time to wait for lengthy upload sessions.

I have cute kids and family members who are eager to see daily pictures on the blog. There’s no time for 37 minute delays. The other night I uploaded four pictures. It took so long I had time to clean the kitchen, make Tim’s lunch, bake a batch of breakfast pancakes, watch two loads of laundry and watch a portion of a movie.

Very productive, I admit, but not exactly a simple bloggy experience. It also pushed my bedtime back by several hours. It doesn’t help that I’m a stubborn blogger and was determined to post WITH pictures, by golly.

Thankfully I know an amazing computer guy who makes house calls, when I can drag him away from the tomato plants. Hopefully he’ll have some hope to offer.

Meanwhile this pictureless blog will have to do. The two pictures I selected for this post have a reported hour left until their copying is complete.

I hope to be in bed, asleep by then.


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