
Nothing warms my heart, filling it to the brim of contented happiness, like having my children come home and spend time with us. This year has been a big shift for us with Joshua and Rachel both off at college, and Daniel attending the technical school full time. We savored the time we had together over Christmas and were especially spoiled to have my mom here.

Now Rachel has returned to Tennessee, and the rest of us have started back to school.

Let's do some school

“Joshua, have you ever seen this? It’s called science.”

Thankfully Joshua is still at home. He decided not to attend Union’s January term this year and instead enjoy an extended winter break.

Well, this shouldn't be hard.

“Hmmm, it doesn’t look too hard.”

Joshua, Tim and Daniel have played hours of board games. Joshua, Sarah and my mom worked on several puzzles. We’ve all watched lots of movies. Joshua has been very helpful around the house AND with school projects.

There's something funny about this science book.

Let me get a closer look.

I can't take it.

“No, you’re doing it all wrong, Joshua!”

"Don't leave me, Joshua!"

“Joshua! Come back here!”

Advanced Physics isn’t really the subject du joir. Thankfully the boys found something else they could work on.

"These are called ingredients."

“Daniel, this list here is called ingredients.”

"And they expect us to actually COOK?"

“Wait, can’t we go back to science? Is this Advanced Cooking?”

Project 365 – you never know what kind of snapshots you’ll get on a random Thursday.

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4 thoughts on “Brothers”

  1. Blessed days when the kids are home. Say, I still have my old kids cookbook. On mine the kids look real though.

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