Weary Wednesday

I was sitting in a comfortable chair, just starting to consider the prospect of going to bed, when Kathy dredged-up that fateful question:

“Did you take any pictures, today?” Kathy is a lot more committed to the Project 365 thing than I am, but we’ve divided it so that I ‘own’ all odd-numbered days.

I forgot that it was my day to blog. Feeling rebellious, I tried to weasel out of my responsibility.

“I don’t think I’ll blog. I’m too tired.” I tried (and failed) to keep a whine out of my voice.

I am always tired on Wednesdays. I get up early on those days to meet with my prayer and accountability group (we assemble at 6 a.m. at a local Panera’s). After work, I hurriedly get ready for AWANA, and then I’m “on” as a Drama leader and coach for the next several hours.

By the time I get home around 8:45 pm, I’m beat.

Three of my favorite dishwashers.

Three of my favorite dishwashers.

Fortunately, the kids wash any dishes that need to be washed, although tonight it looked like David got saddled with most of the work.

One of the reasons I am especially tired after AWANA is that I try to remember the kids names and some of their birthdays. With more than 80 kids in the Sparks and T&T programs, this gets pretty challenging. Last year, I had about 40 kids in the T&T program, and by the end of the year, I had their names and birthdays pretty well down. This year, not so much.

I write the kids' names and birthdays down in this notebook, but it doesn't seem to help, much.

I write the kids’ names and birthdays down in this notebook, but it doesn’t seem to help, much.

If I can’t guess their name (or if I consistently know their name, I switch to birthdays) then I have to give them a wooden nickel, which they can redeem for a can of soda. They pretty much swarm like piranhas around me after Council Time, and greatly enjoy it when I forget their names. I keep meaning to sit down and memorize the list of kids, but some of them consistently slip through the cracks of my memory.

Project 365, Day 42

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2 thoughts on “Weary Wednesday”

  1. Hey – it was your idea to START the whole Project 365 thing. I’m just helping you be true to your word. Ha! We can’t slow down now. We’re doing so well.

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