Project 365, Day 33 (Fri w/SL)

It is a sad thing when a man feels like an intruder in his own blog, but such are the straits to which we have come. Kathy is off gallivanting, and so it falls to me to stay up late blogging, tweaking the timestamps so people don’t know how late I was up and writing.

Today was Sarah Lucinda’s special day, and she didn’t really want to play a game. Instead, she asked me to play on the floor with her. She had dragged a number of dollhouses and castles into a circle and had nearly 50 little people (mostly Polly Pockets and Playmobil people) all talking to one another in falsetto voices. We played on the floor for the better part of an hour, acting out a day in the life of a man with 9 children (or it may have been 11, I lost count). The family had carrots for dinner, which was appropriate, since we ‘real people’ also had carrots (except we had a yummy roast, noodles, other veggies and homemade biscuits, left for us by our sweet Kathy).

For some reason, the parents of the family slept in the attic. I’m trying not to read too much significance into that.

Sarah is a sweet girl and she is a lot of fun to play with. I was surprised at how quickly the time passed; we ended by reading The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round and then singing each verse.

Here’s a sweet co-op girl.

Today was co-op day, and for no particularly good reason, I was about 13 minutes late to pick up the kids. Most of them were out playing in traffic (well, in the parking lot anyway) but Sarah was patiently waiting in her classroom. I asked her if she was worried (one of her brothers is often dismayed by late parents) and she said, in a sing-song little voice, “No, I just waited.”

I have a lot of deep and subtle thoughts on my heart, and you would think that I would take this opportunity to write some of them down, but I need to pace myself. Besides, this is technically Kathy’s Project 365 post, so I can’t really wax too eloquent on a borrowed soapbox.

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5 thoughts on “Project 365, Day 33 (Fri w/SL)”

  1. Nice work, Tim. Chloe is so much like Sarah. She asks her daddy, or others, to ‘play’ with her. And by that she means get down on the floor and ‘act’ with the Polly Pockets, etc in various scenerios.

    You’re a good daddy!!

    Love you Edgrens. Aunt Kate

  2. A clear case of food poisoning – judging from the fact that all the figures in the picture of S.’s dollhouse are lying on the floor, etc. We knew about spinach, but who would ever suspect that carrots could kill people? (Tho some have suggested that it is so…) (Are you sure that it wasn’t Bok Choy that they ate for dinner?) But then, with the parents living in the attic – maybe their culinary skills would be more developed if they came downstairs…. At any rate, there is such a thing as “directed play” and I would strongly suggest that those offering to “play” for children’s special days use this method in the future! Love, Grandma

  3. LOL Tim, “an intruder in your own blog”. I told Kathy that I believe the first blog I ever read was your Patrick McManus style story of a hike or camping on the Duckabush….I always enjoy reading your perspective.

    De’Etta (Kathy’s cyber friend)

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