Project 365 – Some Changes

Okay, mainly just one change. I’m a wee bit tired of naming each post P365 – Day (insert number here). It’s just a boring way to write. It stifles creativity and, more importantly, doesn’t let me use long, descriptive titles for my blog entries.


Sarah is waiting in eager anticipation to hear about the blog change.

I do, however, like keeping track of the Project and the current day. I mean, I’m over 100 days into the Project and some people thought (hoped??) I wouldn’t make it past 6 weeks or so. I don’t blame them one bit. As I’ve readily admitted before, I’m a great starter of projects, not so great a finisher.


David is ready to squirt anyone who maligns the blog or his blogging mother.

I’ve been thinking about how to hold on the sanctity of the Project (I like capitalizing it, makes it seem so official like it’s a ‘Study’ or ‘Thesis Title’ or something). I’ve decided I’ll just write the interesting, creative, emotional, spiritual, funny, informative, whiny (not all at the same time, of course) blog and, if the pictures included are from the current day, I’ll put a little Project 365 Day # on the bottom. I bet I could even get Tim to create an icon for me.


Daniel is sure this is a GREAT idea. The excitement on his face is nearly overwhelming.

So there you have it. Sorry to take up internet cyber space with a random blog announcement like this but I needed to make this change and I didn’t want to do it without an official proclamation. :)

Project 365 – Day 137

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7 thoughts on “Project 365 – Some Changes”

  1. The label works! I’m thinking I need to quit labeling my pics. I got too far behind.

  2. I am great at starting things too, but finishing…that’s another story. Glad to know someone else who feels my pain. LOL


  3. Thank you for keeping the day number somewhere! It’s the easiest way for me to keep track of my own progress: “Kathy says it’s Day 137! I sure am doing great!” LOL.

  4. LOL…I gave up on the day numbers also…of course, I got behind, so that was my reasoning. You and Laura are doing great!

  5. Diann – glad to see you’re blogging again! I love to sneak peeks at your gorgeous house. Are you feeling ready for the wedding??

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