A Servant’s Heart

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. (I Peter 4:10-11)

Two of my five children have demonstrated an inclination toward the spiritual gift of service. Their hearts quicken with the opportunity to serve. They find joy in helping, often behind the scenes. They frequently anticipate the needs of family members and move to help. They are very different in the way they serve and their personalities and temperaments but the heart to serve is there for both of them. They are not perfect, of course, and sometimes serving (especially family) is the last thing on their mind.

sarah's braids

This cutie pie still requires/needs/demands/enjoys quite a bit of service from her siblings.

And yet, when the moment arises, they hear the whispered need where others often hear nothing. How kind of the Lord to place in our large family some with this gift. They bless all of us, and their (always slightly harried) mama most of all.

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. (1 John 3:16)

There was a dinner and musical show at church this evening. The middle schoolers were in charge of serving the meal. Joshua immediately signed up to help. There was, of course, the draw of getting to be with friends, but the rest of the activity seemed a bit lacking on the excitement side. Dress up – not a favorite in any of my children’s opinion, with the exception of Princess Sarah. Serve food to tables of hungry church patrons – this is all wrong in a teenage boy’s mind, the food should be going TO the middle schoolers not AWAY from their hands and mouths.

joshua dressed to serve

Afterward, Joshua told me that he and a few other boys came up with a devious idea for playing a trick on the high schoolers. I braced myself, not sure I wanted to hear any details that might incriminate me or my family.

“The senior highers were in charge of taking down all the decorations and cleaning up. We decided we would do it for them.” Sneaky laughter followed by smug look. “We did everything. We put the decorations away, took down the tables, and cleaned up. I just wish we could be there to see their faces when they see we did their work. Ha! Ha! Ha!”

More laughter.

Um, whose child is this? Adding to the weight of the situation, it turned out Joshua and his two buddies gave up their dinner in order to perform this mischievous “prank”. The rest of the serving crew ate during this time. When asked why they were working, Joshua said,

“I told them, why should the high schoolers get all the fun?”

Um, why indeed.

“They did give me a few odd looks when I said that, Mom,”

No doubt they were jealous, Joshua.

So whether you eat or drink[Or serve hungry church people food and drink] or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. (I Corinthians 10:31)

I am often humbled by the work the Lord is doing in the lives of my children. He speaks to me through their example.

P365 – Day 139

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6 thoughts on “A Servant’s Heart”

  1. Can you send him over to pull a “prank” on me and clean up my house? What an awesomely sweet spirit that boy has.

  2. Samuel – you’ll just have to wonder who the other helper child is. Gotta leave some mystery in the blog. Keep you hungry! :)

  3. Diann, I’d be glad to send him your way. Although it may be a bit hot for him there in NV. He is definitely a cool weather kind of kid and always cheers when it’s grey and drizzly (sick!!!). Ha!

  4. It is remarkable to me how strong the drive to serve is, in several of my children. I remember when we first started attending this church, and Joshua and I had a chance to help set up some chairs in the fellowship room. Joshua was so excited to do it, you’d think we took him to an amusement park or something.

    One nice thing about having the gift of service, or ‘helps’ as some people say, is that you’ll almost always be welcome at any church. :)

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