7 thoughts on “Who is that Tall Young Man?”

  1. Surely a case of the body-snatcher coming and replacing your little boy with young man!
    Yikes, I can see that I do not want to stand next to Joshua. I am finally feeling tall here, he would certainly make me feel oh-so-short again!

  2. Hi, I knew we were in for trouble- as I watched that litte boy turn over on the floor for his very lst time in CT. But I didn’t know he’d grow so tall or so funny or so kind or so smart. God did it, eh!! And lots of good food and many siblings to keep him in line.

    Have a great week. Love you Edgrens! AUnt Kate

  3. I don’t see what is so amazing … he isn’t as tall as that tree next to him, is he? What’s the big deal about being tall, anyway? Like it matters … :)

    (Said by a disgruntled father who now has to look up at his son … )

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