My Equestrian

We rescued Rachel from the perils of horse camp this morning. She’s been slaving away this past week, caring for the horses (can you say “mucking stables?”), taking riding lessons, playing in the lake and learning more about the Lord.

It’s a difficult life.

rachel's in the lead

here she goes

it's the finish line

This morning there was a show for the parents. What an incredible sight to see Rachel horseback riding so confidently.

A huge thank goes out to Rachel’s close friends, Jenny and Sarah, and their sisters who helped with Rachel’s camp fees. You girls are awesome!!!

rachel and sarah

Rachel and Sarah greet the campers.

We’re very glad to have Rachel home, safe and sound.


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5 thoughts on “My Equestrian”

  1. What fun. Does Rachel know her brothers and uncles went to a horse camp once near Rochester, MN? Ask Uncle Thom about it. I’ll ask Uncle Alex what he remembers.

    Love you each. AK

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