Theater Time

After our whirlwind time in Oregon with Tim’s multi-talented brother and lovely wife, it’s good to be home again. Tim and Daniel had a full day of work and school. Meanwhile, David, Sarah and I focused on classes and getting caught up on homework.

Late this afternoon David and Sarah had a chance to go to the local playhouse and watch some friends perform in a homeschool production of Peter Pan.

Peter Pan Fans

Peter Pan Fans

Sarah and David are quite the theater buffs these days. They went with Tim’s parents to see the Miracle Worker last weekend. And they are both involved in the drama productions at our homeschool co-op. Sarah has two small parts in Alice in Wonderland. David is playing Lysander in Midsummer Night’s Dream. I love the opportunity the kids have to enjoy theater (both as performers and spectators).

After the play!

After the play!

I didn’t have my big camera with me and my phone was nearly out of power, so this picture doesn’t do justice to the beautiful actors and their siblings and friends. Still, glad to be able to capture the moment!

Break a leg!

Project 365 – Day 69

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3 thoughts on “Theater Time”

  1. I enjoyed watching the performance. It made it fun because I knew most of the people in it.

  2. It is so cool to watch friends in a performance! How fun to have such varied theatrical experiences!

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