Essential Allergies

While we were down in Portland, my allergies returned full-force, and I was somewhat miserable. It is hard to laugh as much as I like to laugh at (or in some cases, with) my brother when my sinuses are so congested.

Three little vials of essential oils.

Three little vials of essential oils.

Back at the tail-end of the last decade I became desperate, as my allergies had seemed to worsen by about 10% each year. So (after much ‘encouragement’ from my lovely wife) I went to an allergist and started allergy shots. After a year or so, the shots were pretty effective, so I kept up the treatment regimen for nearly three years.

I probably should have continued. Only a few years later, I am back where I started.

So Kathy turned to the interweb. As it turns out, many people get relief from a wide range of ailments by inhaling the aroma of various essential oils. No, I’m not making this up. There is a whole industry offering these oils which can be topically applied, inhaled, and in some cases, ingested.

Kathy and Sarah are either praying or snorting essential oils.  You decide which.

Kathy and Sarah are either praying or snorting essential oils. You decide which.

My wife picked up a few samples from a friend, and we’ve been trying a blend of lavender, peppermint and lemon oils, several times a day. I have to admit, they do temporarily clear out the sinuses, and there seems some mild relief from the worst of my allergy symptoms. Kathy likes the smell of the oils, and the ritual of pouring out the drops, rubbing our hands together, inhaling the scent, and ultimately rubbing the residue on our necks and upper chest is very entertaining.

I’m a skeptic about these things, but I must admit that desperation makes me very tractable. Further bulletins as events warrant.

Project 365, Day 70

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4 thoughts on “Essential Allergies”

  1. Just hoping for relief for you, brother! If it comes from little bottles of fru-fru girly smelling oils, I know you’ll bravely admit they work. I’m curious, too, having heard so many varying reports of those things.

    1. There’s nothing fru-fru about the peppermint oil — it packs a punch! I foolishly touched my eyelid with a brush of oil residue — felt the burn for 20 minutes!

      1. Peppermint is strong! I do find I get relief from my itchy, irritated nose when my allergies flare up here when the burning and harvesting starts . It is not for the faint of heart of those as you found out with the peppermint on your eyelid. I mix a drop, just one!, with a bit of carrier such as extra emollient cream from Mary Kay and wipe a bit on the inside of my nostril, just the inner edge mind you. Once you get past the invigorating ‘tingle’, the relief lasts for quite a while for me. Greg uses it for his ear congestion too. Our air quality is really bad this time of year, and we have all been having respiratory issues. Hope they help you at least a bit.

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