Homeschool Testing

Monday and Tuesday the kids had their annual testing. Washington State requires homeschoolers to either participate in standardized testing or an assessment by a certified teacher. We’ve used the CAT-5 test and the Stanford Achievement Tests over the years.

The girls - taking a break from testing.

The girls – taking a break from testing.

We join with other families during the testing, which does make the time a little bit more bearable for the kids. On the second day of the tests there is a curriculum sale. This is a brilliant way to gather moms together and share curriculum. This year I had a table and managed to sell several hundred dollars worth of books.

At one point I was managing a table by my self for three other moms. Two of the moms proctoring the test, and the third forgot a box of math curriculum and had to run back to her house.

I was so wiped out after a busy weekend and two days of testing, that I fell asleep in the recliner. I then snuck off to bed to take a real nap. Imagine my surprise at discovering Tim, who was supposed to be paying bills, dozing on the bed himself. It was obviously nap time.

I’m so proud of these kids! They work hard all year long. Such a privilege and joy to homeschool.

Project 365 – Day 153

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