Return of the Josh

We have a tradition in our home. Well, we have lots of traditions, truth be told.

Sometimes books are made into movies. Usually, no one really cares, except maybe the author. But every now and then, Hollywood decides to make a good book into a movie, and they incur the wrath of many who loved that book.

We had to evict a cat so Joshua could have the comfy reading chair.

We had to evict a cat so Joshua could have the comfy reading chair.

My oldest son has come to really love the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, and he insists that no one should be allowed to watch any of Peter Jackson’s movies until they have actually read the book(s) covered by the movie. Of course, recently, that hasn’t been very difficult, since it took Jackson 3 movies to cover a single novel that was originally written for children. Maybe if he wasn’t so busy adding extra characters, he could have done it in two movies, but (based on box office returns) perhaps he is happy with his decision to go for three.

This year it is David’s turn. At 13, he is really wanting to watch the final Lord of the Rings movie, based on The Return of the King, which he has not yet read. So Joshua decided to read it aloud to him, sprinkling chapters throughout our recently-ended Christmas break. As we begin the new year, we are down to our last four chapters in Tolkien’s conclusion to the saga.

David plays games on his Kindle Fire while listening.   I think there should be a quiz, to make sure he is listening.

David plays games on his Kindle Fire while listening. I think there should be a quiz, to make sure he is listening.

Soon we will be able to watch the final Lord of the Rings movie with wild abandon, except that Sarah will have to be sent away. (Not that she minds — she doesn’t like Orcs or Nazgul very much.)

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A Typical Sunday

Two of my favorite guys working on an exciting project.

Two of my favorite guys working on an exciting project.

A Sunday with Our Family

Sunday School (Exodus ch 7) – whole family
Accountability Group – Kathy
Church Service – whole family
Errands – Kathy & 2 kids
Short Nap – Tim
Return of the King (read aloud) – Joshua & David
Delicious family dinner – whole family
A few remaining Christmas presents – Kathy & 2 kids
Ultimate Frisbee (in the rain) – David and Daniel
Long Nap – Marco and Misty (cats)
Dishes & Tidying – Kathy & 4 kids
School planning – Kathy
Visit with a friend who leaves tonight for Africa – Daniel
Homeschool prayer – Kathy
Shopping online – Kathy
Homework – Sarah, Daniel, David
Designing secret game – Tim & Joshua

Thinking deep thoughts.

Thinking deep thoughts.

Project 365 – Day 4

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Choosing a Path

Over the past few days, I’ve been working on a PowerPoint presentation for my middle son, Daniel. Some people actually talk to their children, but I prefer PowerPoint.

OK, not really. But sometimes, it is better to put things down in writing, and some concepts are easier to explain with cartoon clip-art characters.

I’ve been thinking a lot about Daniel’s future. As he finishes his Senior year in High School, the opportunities multiply, and may seem overwhelming. On the flip side, some young adults can get locked into a single vision for the future, and I worry that Daniel may feel he has no other options.

When I was a young man, I wanted to get out on my own so badly, I grabbed at the first opportunity as my ticket to freedom, not really thinking about what would be required of me. As it turns out, when you accept a 4-year ROTC scholarship and use it to attend college, they want you to actually go to class from time to time.

Later, when I lost the scholarship and found my life in ruins, I regretted having put so little effort into choosing my path more carefully. It took several years and a considerable amount of pain to get my life back on the rails.

So I put together a 20-slide deck to cast a vision to Dan of his future. We went out to dinner at Red Robin and talked about it.

We forgot to take a picture at Red Robin, so we staged this picture back at home.

We forgot to take a picture at Red Robin, so we staged this picture back at home.

In many ways, a young man who graduates from high school is in a very enviable position. He usually has no bills, no commitments, no dependents, no obligations. He is probably more free to choose than he will ever be again.

It is exciting to think of what path Daniel will choose, and of what God will do in his life.

Project 365 – Day 3

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Christmas Good-byes

Hellos are some of my very favorite things – HELLO, Summer! HELLO, Spring Break! HELLO, Mamie! HELLO, Beloved College Kids!!

Sweet family picture at the airport curb.

Sweet family picture at the airport curb.

Good-byes, I guess, have their place as well. I don’t mind saying good-bye to winter or a long school year or extra pounds.

Driving to the airport, however, and dropping off beloved family members is NOT my favorite thing. Last week we said good-bye to Mamie (my mom) and she flew home to Michigan. Today we drove Rachel to the airport to return to TN for the January term at Union University. Sigh.

How many people does it take to drop off one college student?

How many people does it take to drop off one college student?

We loved having Rachel home with us this Christmas break. Such a sweet time of relaxing, celebrating, shopping, playing cards and games, baking Christmas cookies, watching movies, visiting friends, and so on. As always, we will long for her return in the spring and another HELLO.

Project 365 – Day 2

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A Fresh Start

It has been delightful to have Joshua and Rachel home for Christmas, but there has been one sour note. Joshua, who is pretty careful not to say anything negative, remarked on our blogging practice.

“Yes, I remember when I was younger, you used to blog all the time,” he reminisced. “Now that I’m away at school, I often check the blog to see what is going on, but all I see is the same post from two months ago.”

It is true that our blogging seems to come in fits and starts. In 2013, we had a total of 6 posts; we did better in 2014, with 47. In our heyday, we posted 405 times in a single year (2007).

Admitting that more is not necessarily better, we’re resuming our blog with Project 365. Basically, we’ll try to post every day, alternating between me and Kathy, posting at least one picture taken that day or the day before.

Here’s a picture from last night’s New Year’s party.

Some people seemed to feel that to properly celebrate the new year, you need to kick off your shoes.

Some people seemed to feel that to properly celebrate the new year, you need to kick off your shoes.

Each year, we host a New Year’s party, inviting many of our closest friends. This year, one of our gracious friends offered to host it on our behalf.

“Let’s have your party, but do it at our house,” they offered.

It is true that our house would have been overwhelmed — this year 95 people attended, whereas usually we keep it to 50 or so. We played many games, ate delicious food, and celebrated the new year with abundant joy.

We are so thankful to have so many friends, to share life with, and to encourage and help us live in a way that is pleasing to God.

Project 365 – Day 1

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