
WFMW – Kids Clean then Craft


I believe you should put your children to work.

But first they should dress up.

As everyone knows, mundane chores, like vacuuming and cleaning, require proper attire. A hat if possible.

let's dress up

Sarah is quite the stylish girl.

vacuum time

After sweeping, vacuuming and tidying, it’s time to invite friends over and for an afternoon of crafts. I am NOT an artistic person so when I find friends who are creative, I try to exploit cultivate them.

crafting girls

“Would you like to come over for a visit?” I ask innocently. When they agree, I casually suggest we let the kids do a craft together. “Wouldn’t that be fun,” I say with a smile.

“Oh and could you design the craft, bring the supplies and oversee the project? I’ll provide the house.”

play doh is good enough for him

Christian joined us for play time.

Thankfully I have compassionate friends who take pity on my craftlessness.

bath salts and star boxes

Emma and Sarah show off their bath salts and painted star boxes.

A clean house and some fun crafts Works for Me! Stop by Rocks in My Dryer for other fun ideas.

I can’t believe the Tim and I have written 30 Works for Me Wednesday posts. Wow! We’re obviously incredibly helpful bloggers full of great ideas. Ha! And humble too.

Project 366 – Day 106

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6 thoughts on “WFMW – Kids Clean then Craft”

  1. And it’s an honor to sit at your feet, O mighty bloggers! (Though sometimes I get tired just READing all you do.) You go, family! You share your rich store of joy in life, love and cheer and encouragement with us who know you, which is at least as worthwhile as crafty ability, and I for one am grateful!

  2. What a lovely housekeeper!

    The craft afternoon looked like a really fun day. Did the moms stay and chat and visit too? Wish I could have joined you, but I may have ended up with the girls, those star candle holders looked fun to paint. :)

    Did you move your table?

  3. Kathy, Kathy, Kathy (LOL)…

    Didn’t you know you’re supposed to wait and do all that cleaning *AFTER* a craft project not before (LOL)!

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