Category Archives: Events

An Engaging Couple

Some three years ago, my oldest son went off to college. It seemed harmless enough, at the time.

As these things sometimes transpire, he immediately noticed a certain red-headed girl on campus, and one thing led to another. Today, in a small gazebo on Tranquility Island (Kerrville, TX) in the middle of the Guadalupe river, Joshua proposed to Miss Kelsie Leaf, who graciously consented to become his wife.

We think this is the actual gazebo, courtesy of the interweb.

We think this is the actual gazebo, courtesy of the interweb.

Although they have not yet fixed a date, there is talk of a December wedding. We are so delighted to welcome Kelsie into our family (or invite ourselves into hers) and we hope and pray that God will bless them greatly as they take this monumental step.

The ring itself.

The ring itself.

It is strange to think of my son beginning to found his own household — it seems only just last year I was teaching him to crawl up and down the stairs in our Stamford, CT house. Admittedly, it was 1994, which is technically a little more than a year ago. (My grip on reality is sometimes a bit tenuous.) In any case, we are so excited to see the love that Joshua and Kelsie have for each other.

They do look ridiculously happy together, it is true.

They do look ridiculously happy together, it is true.

Joshua is not really into pictures, and so he neglected to have a professional wedding photographer present to record the entire story for the benefit of remote relatives who just might have an interest. For this reason, we are forced to use pictures from this Spring, of the two of them as a couple.

As the scripture says:

He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD. (Proverbs 18:22)

Of course, with marriage between a man and a woman serving as a template for our relationship with God, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention God’s intention for engagement:

And I will betroth you to me forever. I will betroth you to me in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love and in mercy. (Hosea 2:19)

We will be praying that God will continue to bless Joshua and Kelsie with some of that steadfast love for each other.

"He always was a good-looking kid," I told his mother.

“He always was a good-looking kid,” I told his mother. Whatever you may think about that, Kelsie looks beautiful, nestled into his shoulder.

Congratulations on your engagement, Kelsie and Joshua! We are so happy for you both!

Project 365, Day 178

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Beautiful Friends

We had the opportunity to attend a wedding this June. There is something so alive and hopeful in watching two people come together to pledge their love and devotion. The bride and her bridesmaids are beautiful in their wedding colors. The groom and his attendants are handsome and dashing looking. The family – big or small – work at making the day special. Sometimes solemn, sometimes playful, every wedding is unique and special. This particular wedding was no exception. There were tears, laughter, scene stealing little ones, and the breath-taking glimpse of God’s redemption in the midst of it all.

I am constantly amazed at how the Lord takes our weakness and reveals His strength, transforms our ugliness into a thing of beauty, and shines His love through a broken, flawed people.

Tomorrow's hope and future.

Tomorrow’s hope and future.

I never did get a picture of the bride and groom. I was too busy celebrating with friends and delighting in the sweetness of the day. Oh, and I also managed to take some silly pictures with my oldest daughter.

Sassy time with my girl

Sassy time with my girl

Smile pretty, girls.

Smile pretty, girls.

Tim and David were out of town, but the rest of us dressed up and joined other dear friends to attend the wedding.

AWANA Commander Jim and Daniel

AWANA Commander Jim and Daniel

Niki and Tony are beautiful inside and out.

Niki and Tony are beautiful inside and out.

What a good looking couple!

Chris and Kirstin – another incredible couple!

I somehow lost the “Mom Picture,” but I did find this one. Love these two women. They bring joy, laughter and true friendship into my life on a daily basis.

The sunshine and a moving ceremony brings out extra silliness in some people.

The sunshine and a moving ceremony brings out extra playfulness in some people.

We were honored to be included in this day, and I can’t help but cast my eye toward December when my baby will wed his love in Tennessee. Joyous times indeed.

Project 365 – Day 171 (June 20th)

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Train Trip to Portland

Every year our homeschool co-op organizes a field trip to Portland. The field trip coordinator (who is amazing!) secures for us an educational discount, and we can take the 2 hour train trip to Portland and back for only $15! Our group gets 2 full train cars all to ourselves. It’s a fabulous deal and one of our favorite events of the spring. This year we went in June rather than May, and Rachel was home from college and could join us. We also invited some other dear friends (NOT homeschoolers, shhhh, don’t tell) to come along.

We got up early and drove to the train station. David was in California with Tim, so he wasn’t with us. We missed him the whole day. Felt strange not to have him there. Daniel took off work from Chick-Fil-A and was able to come. The train ride is a good part of the fun – roaming the cars with friends, eating in the dining car, reading books, playing games, being silly.

Goofy kids

Goofy kids

Rachel was smart and brought a book.

Rachel was smart and brought a book.

We’ve been on this trip several times. It’s always an adventure exploring Portland on foot. This year we were treated to a private tour of the Lan Su Chinese gardens in the center of town. Fascinating information, beautiful gardens, and great setting for pictures.

Our garden tour group.

Our garden tour group.

My beautiful college girl - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE having her home this summer.

My beautiful college girl – LOVE, LOVE, LOVE having her home this summer.

Nancy and I tried to keep track of all these teens.

Nancy and I tried to keep track of all these teens.

And, of course, we had to go to Powell’s Book Store. How could a bunch of avid readers and homeschoolers skip the largest used and new bookstore in the world?? Powell’s occupies an entire city block, and claims to stock over a million new and used books.

I wish I could have given each child $100 to spend on books while we were there. That would have been an amazing surprise and treat for the day. Ah, well, not in my budget.

Powell's Book store

Powell’s Book store

After all that book shopping, we definitely needed some sugar to sustain us. Time for some donuts.

People argue whether our very own Lakewood House of Donuts BEAT Portland's famous Voodoo Donuts.

People argue whether our very own Lakewood House of Donuts actually BEATS Portland’s famous Voodoo Donuts.

And, of course, nothing goes as well with donuts as some coffee. Off to Starbucks.

I don't know where all this silliness comes from.

I don’t know where all this silliness comes from.

Friends who photo bomb are the best!

Friends who photo bomb are the best!

This beautiful friend is an absolute joy and treasure in my life!

This beautiful friend is an absolute joy and treasure in my life!

I think we logged in miles of walking throughout the day. We enjoyed Thai food at the food trucks. Saw friends from our group as we walked around the city. And were so thankful for the gorgeous, sunny day.

A last look at the water before heading back to the train.

A last look at the water before heading back to the train.

Daniel spent the day with James and other friends, so I didn’t get any pictures of him. Funny what you realize you did or didn’t capture throughout the day on your camera.

All in all it was a lovely day. Friends, coffee, books, donuts, walking, gardens, laughter, train rides, water. Thank you, ACTS Co-Op, for providing a great family adventure for us. Thank you, Tung and Debbie, for letting Angie and Zach come with us. Thank you, Nancy, Julia and Daniel for being our Portland buddies for the day.

Project 365 – Day 168 (June 17th)

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Graduation Parties

I love graduation parties – tasty food, creative themes, sweet graduates on the brink of entering the next phase of life, friends, and, usually, sunshine.

How did ALL of these beautiful children grow up?

How did ALL of these beautiful children grow up?

Daniel was "out" of the picture.

Daniel was “out” of the picture.

Yes, the moms wanted to take pictures too.

We're not so grown up.

We’re not so grown up.

Some prefer the outside entertainment to the photo booth silliness.

Rachel is so wonderful to have at parties - all ages of friends want to spend time with her.

Rachel is so wonderful to have at parties – all ages of friends want to spend time with her.

Thank you for inviting us, Hannah! We were very happy to celebrate with you. So excited to watch and pray for you as you start the next phase of life.

Project 365 – Day 164

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Lake Day – End of School Party

As homeschoolers we have a somewhat flexible schedule. We do, however, find life much simpler if we stick as close to the local public school calendar as possible.

So, even though we still have some science and math skills to complete for the school year, we are MOSTLY DONE with SCHOOL for the year!!

Which means we PARTY with friends – End of the Year Lake Day!!

Lake time
Yummy food
A new island float

Our new island of fun!

Our new island of fun!

A few of the moms got together and surprised our lake host with this fun Costco island float. We took a Moms Only Float Ride first (I need to track down the picture of all the moms enjoying a ride out to the buoy).

Then we graciously shared with the kids and teens.

Piled with kids

Piled with kids

Kate and Luke did all the grilling for us!

Chefs du jour

Chefs du jour

Lots of time for relaxing and fun.

Beautiful Grace!

Beautiful Grace!

Boys on the Dock

Boys on the Dock

It has been a glorious spring and is shaping up to be a beautiful summer. So thankful that Tim’s job has allowed me to be home with the children all these years. We school hard during the year and thoroughly enjoy our summers. :)

Project 365 – Day 160

P.S. The pictures and post are for June 9th, but I didn’t publish until the 11th. Just for clarification.

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