A burdened heart

I had a long talk this evening with a beloved one and my heart is burdened. After I got off the phone I immediately went to find Tim. He was on his knees praying.

Praying for this precious child of God. Interceding on their behalf.

Despair creeps in like the icy fingers of a winter night. The problems are too big, the troubles real, and the struggle overwhelming. I’m too far away to help. I don’t have any answers. Hopelessness sidles alongside despair to wrap me in a chilling embrace.

I fall to my knees. “Lord, surround this dear one with Your comfort and love. Awaken others to pray. Do not allow the lies of failure and desperation to speak louder than Your grace and power.”

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. (Isaiah 43:2)

I can do so little to help, it seems, but I can pray, I can exhort, I can speak God’s truth and words of comfort and LIFE. I KNOW that the Lord is with us. He promises it in His Word. He can drive away the despair and misery and fill us with His joy and hope.

If the Lord places my loved one on your heart, please PRAY!

In my distress I called to the LORD; I called out to my God. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came to his ears.


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8 thoughts on “A burdened heart”

  1. Praying here, Kathy. It may not be (immediately) tangible, but it’s the greatest help you can give.

  2. I received an email this morning that has me feeling hopeless, too far away, burdened, etc. I’ll hit my knees for your loved one as well.

  3. I’ve been praying ever since I read this, Kathy. It’s wonderful that God hears us and knows what’s needed. No need to even call this person by name; God knows who I’m praying for.
    Love you,

  4. I will be praying for your friend.

    Lord, please intercede in this persons life. Overwhelm them with your love, grace, and mercy rather than the worlds despair. Wrap them up in your arms of love and let them know, really know, that they are loved by you and that they were created for a purpose. Surround them with people who will love them, lift them up and walk alongside them. I pray for a hedge of protection around this person and call upon the name of your Son Jesus to protect them from the lies of Satan.

  5. Oh my friend…I am praying. I was wide awake last night, maybe this is one of the reasons. So I was praying before I even read this! Praise God that He moves ;)

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