Last year Tim bought me a Daily Bible – the scripture is arranged according to day with passages from the Old Testament, the New Testament, and a portion of Psalms and Proverbs. Our church strongly encourages people to read through the Bible in a year. Tim gave me the Bible and followed the schedule himself online. My favorite thing was when we did the reading together (primarily on weekends). We would sit in Big Blue and read the passages aloud – taking turns. The Lord spoke to me many times through my reading. Often I would stumble on passages that seemed to exactly address a struggle or question I was facing. Truly the Word of God is alive.

CBD sells all sorts of daily Bibles. They offer them in at least 6 different translations – chronological ones or study Bibles. Tim teasingly referred to my Bible as the ‘Once a Year Bible’ rather than the Once a Day Bible but then he has a quirky sense of humor.
Unfortunately, I found myself busy near the end of the year and stopped being faithful in my daily reading. It became easier and easier to just let the days slip by without picking up my Bible. I’m in Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) this year so that involves quite a bit of Bible studying. Still, BSF wasn’t meant to take the place of my daily reading. The holidays are incredibly full of activity and, I’m sad to say, I ended the year less triumphantly than I began it.
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Now it’s a new year – time for new beginnings! New goals, a chance to start again. I spent the first part of the month procrastinating. I’m not sure what I was waiting for – an annointed Bible Reading Moment or a vision of a huge neon Bible flashing in the sky. At first I thought I would start in the middle of the Bible – pick up somewhere around July and that way I would get in the books that I missed. Of course, days went by and I didn’t do that either. Hmmm. Finally my mother encouraged me to just get started. To pick a spot anywhere, at the beginning or in the middle but START READING!
Isn’t she a wonderful counselor in my life!!! I looked through and decided I had missed some chapters in September so that would be a good place to start. I took the time to read through the different passages (reading them aloud one night which was fantastic). Okay, that would work, I figured. I would use my daily Bible but not follow the dates. I would be able to pick up the various chapters/books I had missed and round out my Bible reading. It wasn’t the best solution but at least I had a plan.
Yesterday I stumbled across a beautiful Daily Bible Reading Calendar. It has the assigned Bible passages listed on each square of the calendar with a place for notes on the bottom. Something about this pretty, little desk calendar immediately struck me. I picked it up and felt a renewed desire to read through the Bible.

The reading schedule is slightly different from the one I did last year – the primary difference being you read through the New Testament twice throughout the year and you read all of Proverbs each month. I have seen many reading lists but not one that combined the calendar in quite this way. I like the way the months are laid out with the passages included in each day’s square.

As Tim and the children will tell you, I love variety. I can’t make a recipe the same way twice. I hardly ever order something I’ve had before at a restaurant – I have to try something different. I love a new pretty journal and Sharpies of all colors. I have several different quilts and covers for the master bed – I like to change the look of the room with the seasons. I like starting new, interesting projects.
All of this is to say it doesn’t surprise me that I would be excited about a new (different) Bible reading schedule. It is part of the way God made me – it’s a piece of my creative nature. As a stay at home mom, I live a very routined life. There are always dishes to be washed, laundry to be cleaned, folded and put away, toys to pick up and so on. Trying new things provides a little bit of spice and energy and life to my days. My desire is to marry this spontaneity and animation with commitment and discipline to result in some grace filled goals.

Tonight I read Psalm 16:
You make known to me the paths of life,
in your presence there is fullness of joy;
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
That’s where I want to be, at the right hand of God, enjoying Him forever.
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