A Break from Parenting

Before the older kids went to Norway, my parents were already talking about having all five of the kids come to their house for a weekend visit.

“Won’t you be tired of being around kids, after two weeks of traveling with Joshua and Rachel?” I cautioned.

“It’ll be fun,” they assured me. “We like to have time with all our grandchildren.”

So the night they flew back in from Norway, I had the other three kids packed. “You can take ‘em all straight home with you,” I chortled.

naughty girl

Who wouldn’t want this little princess in their home?

Okay, we did decide to let Grandma and Grandpa have a couple of weeks to recuperate. Last night we bundled the children all into my parents’ van and sent them off, dire warnings about obeying their grandparents ringing in their ears.

Kathy came home from a meeting at church before I went to bed, and we sat in the family room, savoring the silence. “Shhhhh!” I snapped, when she accidentally dropped her computer mouse, ruining a perfectly good five-second span of silence.

somebody help this girl

Sarah knows what to do with a free moment of silence.

I am a connoisseur of silences. I remember the deep black, textured silence of ’04, during the power outage, and the bright, blue-green silence of ’01, when everyone went to Fort Clark without me. Then there was the grey, melancholy silence of ’88, before I met Kathy, before my family was even a gleam in the eye, as they say. Silences are pretty rare, when there are five kids around the house, and you learn to attend to them when you get the chance.

This has not been a week with many silences, as my children would attest. “For crying out loud,” they’re probably thinking, “don’t get Dad started on another lecture!” I’m not sure if it is due to our tomato-staking project with Daniel, or because of the grey and rainy weather, but we’ve had many opportunities for parental intervention, correction and rebuke over the past week. I’ve been home for most of the week (I was sick on Monday, and decided to telecommute a few extra days) and so I’ve been present for much more of the bickering and general discontent than I usually witness.

“Kathy, will you just cool it, with all the bickering and discontentment,” I found myself snarling several times.

how she does carry on

And some people say Sarah is the spittin’ image of Kathy. Hmmm.

No, actually, the problem doesn’t seem to be Kathy. It turns out that my children are sinful. Who knew? After all Kathy’s careful reading of pregnancy books, healthy eating and excellent prenatal care, our children were still born with a sin nature! How exasperating! I’m guessing Kathy and I must’ve inherited it from somewhere or other … and passed it on to our dear little kids.

For now, though, the kids are away, and we can relax a little. Thanks, Mom and Dad, for giving us a needed break!
innocent as a dove

All she wanted was some Grandma and Grandpa time.

Hope everyone survives the weekend.

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Blogher Envy

I’m trying hard not to whine. Really, I am. It’s cause I’m so mature. Just ask my family. Of course, you can’t ask them now because they’re off playing with grandparents. But, if you could find them and ask them, they would definitely confirm my status as a wise and mature, non-whining mother.

In July the massive, huge, geek-filled blogger conference is being held in San Francisco.

San Francisco, where the sun shines.

Unlike Washington where we have temps colder than Siberia. Yep, according to the Seattle Times, Siberia, Alaska and Norway all have warmer temperatures than good old western Washington. We haven’t seen the sunshine for over a week. Can you sense my despair?

The weather drives some to temper tantrums. I have a great series of pictures of Sarah (age 5 1/2) throwing a fake tantrum on the floor, kicking and screaming, only I can’t upload it. I’m having photo bloggy trouble. In fact, I wrote this last night and had more than just bloggy trouble, but whole website trouble. Nothing gives a blogger and email addict a serious eye twitch like internet problems.

Which brings me back to my Blogher Envy. All the cool, hip and popular bloggy gals are going to the big Blogher conference. And now it turns out there are only 150 spots left. How am I going to run with the Big Bloggers if I have to stay home and be on a budget? It’s enough to make a person whine, fuss and pout.

Not that I’m doing any of those things. Nope. I’m the epitome of a cheerful blogger. And when I read that Mary from Owlhaven is going to the conference, leaving her 10 children at home, I don’t feel jealous at all. Nope. I’m happy for her. I’m thrilled that she’ll meet some of my favorite bloggers, hear fantastic speakers, and receive fun giveaways.

Not to mention enjoy the California sunshine.

Since the conference costs $300, plus hotel fees, plus travel costs, plus clothing expenses (I would obviously need a wardrobe update – bloggers are a very trendy, classy group), I just don’t see the budget allowing such an event.

Now if Rachel would just share some of her babysitting jobs and Joshua let me mow some lawns for him, I could start saving for next year.

Is there any money in muffins?


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WFMW – Chicken Enchiladas

wfmwThe third member of our family has succumbed to a bit of the stomach flu bug. One of the joys of a big family is watching illness pass from one person to the next.

Oh, wait, that’s not it. One of the joys of a big family is getting lots of presents. Sharing germs is one of the un-pleasantries. After a long day, I get those two confused.

I tried a new recipe this evening – Cottage Cheese Chicken Enchiladas from Allrecipes.com. It was good and the children ate helping after helping. Tim is still recovering from yesterday’s bug so he stuck to a mild dinner of plain waffles. I would definitely make these again as they were well gobbled appreciated by the family.

Chicken Enchiladas

1/2 tbs oil
2 skinless, boneless chicken breasts (cooked and shredded)
1/2 c. chopped onion
1 (7 oz) can chopped green chilies
1 pkg taco seasoning
1/2 c. sour cream
2 c. cottage cheese
1 tsp salt
1 pinch pepper
12 (6 inch) corn tortillas
2 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese
1 (10 oz) can enchilada sauce

1. Saute onion in oil. Add green chilies, taco seasoning and shredded chicken.
2. Mix sour cream with cottage cheese and season with salt and pepper. Stir well. (I mixed it in the food processor because I didn’t want any cottage cheese lumps to distract my pickier eaters.)
3. Preheat oven 350.
4. Assemble Enchiladas: Heat tortillas until soft (I covered them with a wet paper towel and warmed them in the microwave). In each tortilla spoon some of the meat mixture, cheese mixture and top with shredded cheese. Roll tortillas and place in greased baking dish. Top with enchilada sauce and remaining cheese.
5. Bake 350 for 30 minutes.

I used green enchilada sauce even though the original recipe called for red. I didn’t have Monterey Jack cheese and used a Colby/Jack/Cheddar mixture. Tasty and easy recipe. Click here now to see it. I tried to take a picture but the children ate it so fast, by the time I came by with my camera it wasn’t pretty enough to photograph. Ha! Greedy punks. Stop by Rocks in My Dryer for other Works for Me Wednesday blog postings.


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Questions about Father’s Day

How do you handle Father’s Day? Each year I find myself a bit confused. Do I buy a present for Tim, the father of my children, or do I buy one for my father? Or perhaps I do both. Does Tim buy a gift for his father and I buy one for my father and the children take care of Tim?

This should NOT be complicated.

Except my father doesn’t want anything (except maybe a visit from his grandchildren) and my father-in-law doesn’t need anything (except maybe donations for The Refuge). Tim’s favorite gifts are computer games and books and he keeps a thoroughly stocked Amazon Wish List, so he’s EASY.

Obviously the lesson here is I need to encourage my father and father-in-law to maintain Amazon Wish Lists. Then, anytime one of the kids or grandchildren want to buy a present, they would have a nice selection to choose from. It’s brilliant!

Is it too late to start now? Dads – please go straight to Amazon.com and do some fun window shopping. It’s simple to click and put things into your wish list (NOT your shopping cart). Who knows, maybe you’ll find a little treat headed your way.

Anyone have other great ideas for Father’s Day? I somehow missed Mother’s Day (sigh) and Father’s Day is rapidly approaching.


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Muffins & Granola Bars

Tim was away for most of Saturday. He took the older two children with him and left me home to a gray, cold kind of day. Perfect for and doing some baking! I decided it was time to fill the freezer with muffins. It is a constant chore to keep healthy snacks around for a family of seven. I have an amazing Master Muffin Mix that I love to use.

muffin tasters

Master Muffin Recipe


* 5 cups flour (use up to two cups whole wheat, crushed cereal, or packed rolled oats if desired)
* 2 to 2 1/2 cups sugar (experiment with the amount – can also vary types of sugar used)
* 1 tsp salt
* 1 tsp baking soda
* 1 Tbs.(3 tsp) baking powder
* 2 cups buttermilk (you can use part yogurt for the milk)
* 1 c. oil or melted butter (or substitute 1/2 cup apple sauce for half the oil)
* 3 eggs


Place dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl and stir to blend. Place wet ingredients (oil, eggs, milk) in container and blend well.

Make a well in dry ingredients in bowl, add wet mix from blender and pour into well. Stir gently to mix, add fruit and fold and stir in. Do not beat, batter should be a bit lumpy. Over stirring muffins makes them tough.

This will make 24 to 30 muffins depending on size of pans. Grease muffin pans or use muffin liners fill almost to the top and sprinkle with and of the following: sugar, cinn. sugar, chopped nuts and sugar, coconut, rolled oats and sugar etc.

Bake at 400 degrees for 20 min. Cool on racks. Freeze these in Ziplocs for quick breakfasts or easy snacks.

sarah's mini muffins

The wonderful thing about this Master Mix recipe is it comes with an amazing list of add in possibilities. Here are the muffin variations:

Apple cinnamon: Use 3 – 4 apples (just peel and cut in chunks and throw in blender with wet ingredients, don’t over process, or chop by hand), 2 tsp cinn. and 1 cup chopped pecans.

Apple raisin
– same as above but add 1 cup raisins (plump first by covering with liquid and nuking for a couple minutes. I like to used part rolled oats with the apple muffins and sprinkle the tops with a little oatmeal and sugar.

Carrot raisin – same as above but use 5 or 6 carrots chopped in blender with wet ingredients instead of apple. Add 1 cup chopped nuts if desired.

Carrot raisin pineapple – Same as above but add one large can crushed pineapple and reduce milk to 1 1/2 cups.

Strawberry – cut up 3 cups strawberries and mix in
Strawberry/White Chocolate, same as above, but add 1 cup white choc pieces
Strawberry pecan – same but add 1 cup chopped pecans

Tollhouse - add 2 cup choc chips (1 12 oz bag – I like to use the mini chips) 1 cup chopped nuts, walnuts or pecans, use brown sugar and add 2 tsp vanilla.

Banana - Reduce milk to 1 cup – add 5 or 6 bananas to blender – add 2 tsp vanilla and 1 cup nuts

Banana/Strawberry 1- Same as above but fold into batter, 2 cups cut up strawberries.
Banana/Strawberry 2 – Add 1 cup strawberries to the blender with 4 or 5 bananas. Stir 2 cups of cut up strawberries into batter.
Banana/Strawberry 3 – Follow either banana or banana strawberry 1, but add 1 pkg strawberry jello to wet ingredients.
Banana Choc chip – same as above but add 2 cups mini chips and 1 cup nuts if desired.

Blueberry /Orange – Peel the orange skin off one orange in very thin pieces using a potato peeler and put in the blender with the other wet ingredients. Remove the white peel remaining on the orange and cut orange into 4 or 5 chunks. Pick out the seeds and put the chunks in the blender. add the remaining wet ingredients reducing milk to 1 3/4 cups, if you are using regular milk do not add lemon juice. Blend well. Proceed as directed stirring in 2 1/2 to 3 cups blueberries.

Cranberry Orange – Same as above (no blueberries) except add 1 1/2 dried cranberries (plumped in microwave by covering with liquid and nuking for a couple minutes). Can also add 1 cup chopped nuts

Orange Pineapple – Same as above (no blueberries) but add 1 large can of crushed pineapple and reduce milk to 1 1/2 cups.

Hawaiian - Same as above but add 1 cup coconut – sprinkle tops with a little coconut.

Peanut Butter and Jelly – This is for the kids, into blender container put milk, 1 cup peanut butter (smooth or chunky, you can add extra chopped peanuts if you like) and only 1/3 cup oil. Use 4 eggs and mix as usual. Fill muffin tins 1/2 full and put 1 tsp jam or jelly in center of each cup. Fill with batter almost to top and bake as usual. Chopped peanuts sprinkled on top is a nice touch.

Saturday I made a batch of carrot raisin and a batch of mixed berries. I had three bananas that we ripe and ready to be used so I made a small pan of banana muffins (slightly different recipe). All in all I ended up with around 6 dozen muffins.

bags of muffins

After the muffin mania I decided to try my hand at some homemade granola bars. I need to do a cost analysis on boxed cereal versus ‘from scratch’ pancakes and Costco granola bars versus homemade breakfast bars.

Anyone know how these things compare, cost wise?

I tried two different granola recipes, one taken from Allrecipes.com, the other from my friend, De’Etta’s blog. Unfortunately I don’t eat sugar so I wasn’t able to taste test the bars. The mix looked (and smelled) fantastic! It took extreme will power to keep my fingers out of the bowl. I’ll report back as soon as the kids try them out.

too much sugar?

start mixing

Sarilyn’s Granola Bars (from Not2Many.com)


* 1/3 C brown sugar (or Rapadura)
* 2/3 C peanut butter
* 3/4 C honey
* 2 T hot water (opt)
* 2 tsp vanilla

~Mix all these together.

* 2 1/2 C oats
* 1 C whole wheat flour
* 1/4 C wheat germ
* 1/2 C sunflower seeds
* 1 T sesame seeds
* 1 C chocolate chips
* 1/2 C nuts, dried fruit, seeds whatever you like

~Mix all these together in a large bowl, then combine bowls and stir well.

Press into greased 9 x 13 pan bake at 350* for 15 – 20 min. Cut into bars while semi-warm and let cool completely before removing from pan. Approx 24 bars.


Playgroup Granola Bars (Allrecipes.com)


* 2 cups rolled oats
* 3/4 cup packed brown sugar
* 1/2 cup wheat germ
* 3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
* 1 cup all-purpose flour
* 3/4 cup raisins (optional)
* 3/4 teaspoon salt
* 1/2 cup honey
* 1 egg, beaten
* 1/2 cup vegetable oil
* 2 teaspoons vanilla extract


1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Generously grease a 9×13 inch baking pan.

2. In a large bowl, mix together the oats, brown sugar, wheat germ, cinnamon, flour, raisins and salt. Make a well in the center, and pour in the honey, egg, oil and vanilla. Mix well using your hands. Pat the mixture evenly into the prepared pan.

3. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes in the preheated oven, until the bars begin to turn golden at the edges. Cool for 5 minutes, then cut into bars while still warm. Do not allow the bars to cool completely before cutting, or they will be too hard to cut.

packaged bars

I tripled this recipes, added flax seeds, craisins, and chocolate chips. Looked yummy!

Now the freezer has bags of muffins piling on the shelves and the pantry is laden with a nice stack of granola bars. Not bad for a lazy Saturday.

granola guard

Day 180

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