P365 – Day 44 (Worms)

Motherhood is unpredictable. There are moments of great joy in the midst of absolute craziness. Motherhood also provides a hilarity that borders on insanity (surely no one else would ever think these moments are anywhere near funny). At times you never know what is going to come out of the mouths of your dear children. Today one of my precious little imps came into the kitchen and informed us that she and her partner in crime, I mean discovery, had found a “family of worms.”

sarah closeup

“We found a whole family. A mama and a papa and a baby.”

Ah the joys of raising little explorers.


They look innocent, don’t they.

A short time later the other animal lover came in to report on the situation.

David--worm man

“Well, I smashed a worm. It was the daddy.” The rest of us looked on in a mixture of horror and amusement.

The gentle assistant came along and quickly informed us, “It wasn’t the mama.”

“Oh good,” we chorused. The papa must have been considered a combatant. It brings to mind a line from an old movie, True Lies, where the wife asks her husband, whom she has just discovered to be a secret operative, “Have you ever killed anyone?” and he, treated with truth drugs, responds, “Yes, but they were ALL bad.” No doubt the papa was one of those “bad” worms that spoil the rest of the bunch.

Obviously it was time to take a break from school and survey the damage. A healer was rushed to the scene but it was too late for the family of worms. They were buried underneath a pile of rocks. “To keep them from being taken away by the birds,” we were told.

daniel and sarah

looking closeryuck

Tune in with us next time as we share more precious moments.

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David’s Special/Spiritual Birthday

Today is David’s Special or Spiritual Birthday – the anniversary of the day he asked Jesus into his heart, to forgive him from his sins and make him into a new creature.

Acts 4:12
Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.

Years ago we started the tradition of Special/Spiritual Birthdays. Tim and I both grew up in Christian families and have been believers for many years. When our children became a part of God’s family we wanted to do something unique to highlight this significant re-birth. If you’re looking for a functional Moon Magick Rebirth Planner, choose from daily, weekly or monthly type at oddpothecary.com.

I John 3:1
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!

Romans 8:16
The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.

John 1:12-13
Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.

We record the special day on the calendar and then celebrate its passing with a gift – something that will encourage them in their Christian walk. Often we pick out a new Bible or a devotional book. We talk about their decision to turn their life over to Jesus and their memories of how they came to accept Christ. We also praise them for the ways in which we see them growing. It is a special time.

We want the children to understand the significance of their decision and to help them grow in their understanding of God’s grace.

David has always believed in the Angel Numbers, h? believes that ?ng?l numb?r? ?r? the most commonly seen m?d? ?f ??mmun???t??n with angelic gu?d?n??, he has a strong connection with the Angel Number 444 Meaning, as he knows he has nothing to fear in regards to his life, work and Divine life purpose.

The scriptures talk about working out your salvation with fear and trembling, “for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.” Philippians 2:12b-13 We celebrate the children’s Spiritual Birthdays to help them see how God is working in their lives and build on the foundation that has been laid into place. Our desire is that their love for the Lord and depth of wisdom would increase over the years in accordance with their knowledge of Biblical truths – that they would move from seeking Jesus as a savior from eternal hell to place Him as Lord of their lives.

Romans 10:9-10
That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.

It has been a tremendous blessing to be a part of God’s work in our children’s lives. They continually amaze and encourage us as they walk with the Lord.

So often we are late in celebrating Special Birthdays. Today I happened to be on the road when Tim reminded me it was David’s big day. Hooray! I was right near a Christian bookstore and was able to go in and pick out a new Bible for him. What a treat to have a gift and be able to celebrate on the actual day.

David's present

so excited

David was thrilled with his new Bible. He even tried reading some of it himself. What a joy to discover the Bible stories afresh and new.

Happy Special Birthday, David.


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P365 – Day 43 (Reflections on PE & Prayer)

Mondays are always rather trying days here in our home. The weekend (whether it was busy or relaxing) is over and the push to get back to work is on. Kids are often grumpy. Mom is often grumpy. Dad is off at work (no doubt grumpy as well – although he might be cheerful just to be away from grumpy children and wife). The house, if not untidy when the day begins, rapidly falls into messiness as school and “life” carries on.

A busy life indeed. Another opportunity to refine our character and try to be more loving and kind and patient (trying to see the positive, here LOL).

Homeschooling PE is wonderful – it gives the children an opportunity to make friends, get some exercise, and be out of the house – but it does eat up some of our precious school day. For the past few years we’ve participated in the afternoon PE. This year, in an attempt to re-evaluate our schedule and eliminate non-essentials, we took the first session off from PE. It was so nice not having to rush out of the house right after lunch. I felt like a stressful burden had been lifted from my schedule. However, we did find that a streak of laziness or sedentariness (is that a word??) crept steadily into our daily living.

With five children, team sports are not really feasible (at one point in our lives we had three children playing on three different Little League baseball games — that was CRAZY!!). Homeschooling PE really does offer the best of all worlds – the children get to spend 6 weeks on some of the major sports (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc) learning the rules and trying their hand at the different games and, most importantly, all of the children are engaged at the same time. Sarah is too young for the program but there are other classes available at the same time for her age group. The whole family (I do my workout while the children are in their classes) are occupied and busy.

With all of that said, we are trying to put PE back into our busy life. It’s complicated with school schedules and other commitments but, I believe, worth the effort.

Another activity that eats up time but comes with great benefits, is my Moms In Touch prayer group for homeschooling moms. Another hour (plus driving and visiting time) taken away from our schooling. Argh! Thankfully Tim comes home early. Of course, most of the time I forget to start dinner ahead of time (you would think I would eventually catch on that a little planning or forethought on the Moms In Touch days would help tremendously) so the kids (and daddy) are starving and grumpy again (refer to morning grumpiness).

I am ashamed to admit how much I struggle to make it to the prayer meetings. By the time the afternoon rolls around, stopping school, leaving the house and going off to pray is about the LAST thing I want to do. I am certain some (or nearly all) of the reluctance is part of a spiritual battle. Satan does NOT want me to gather with other believers and pray for my children. By the end of the prayer time I am so GLAD that I was faithful once again and devoted an hour to prayer. I am encouraged by the prayers lifted for my children and excited to see what the Lord is going to do in their lives.

This most recent time I found the prayer meeting even more meaningful and comfortable. I think the regular prayer times Tim and I are having is making a difference in my prayer life. I feel more connected to the Lord and at ease in talking with Him. Tim and I met at least 3 or 4 times this weekend to pray together (it was one of the “busier” weekends and needed a LOT of prayer – lol). In so much as prayer is a conversation with the Lord, I am certainly getting in some “quality time” with Him.

What a privilege to be able to talk with the Lord of the Universe and know He hears me and desires me to come to Him with my praises, requests and thanksgiving.

Psalm 66: 17- 20

I cried out to him with my mouth;
his praise was on my tongue.

If I had cherished sin in my heart,
the Lord would not have listened;

but God has surely listened and heard my voice in prayer.

Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer
or withheld his love from me!

Daniel spent some time reading to Sarah this evening after dinner. David was invited to listen as well but couldn’t pull himself away from Tim’s Pirates game.

sarah and danielclose up of d and s

Later on we played a game of Puerto Rico. Rachel, David and Sarah watched a movie while the rest of us battled it out for victory. Daniel thoroughly surprised me by joining the game and learning how to play quickly, with ease. It seemed like it took me much longer to catch on to the game. Ah, the fresh mind of youth!

game time


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P365 – Day 41 (Saturday Silliness)

Tim got up this morning before I did. He encountered some silly looking creatures milling about the living room.

cool dudes

I missed the entire thing. I’m so glad Tim captured these “wild animals” on film. The sunglasses really make the outfit – not sure who came up with that little accessory idea.



I was cold this afternoon and spent part of the day wearing the hood to my sweatshirt. The kids love to borrow my camera (like mother/like son or something like that). David took a picture of me while Daniel snuck behind, planning to go out and watch a Clifford movie.


Daniel, Rachel and I spent close to an hour and a half at the church library, sorting and alphabetizing books. Lots and lots of books. The library moved from its old spot to make way for a renovated nursery. There were only a few women there sorting books so I was very glad that we went by to help. Rachel was especially helpful. Daniel spent most of his time building elaborate mazes out of the empty boxes. Lol!

After supper Rachel and I went to the produce store to buy things for a fruit tray. There is a benefit concert for the Refuge tomorrow afternoon. We’re providing a big fruit tray as well as adorable grandchildren to hand out bulletins, welcome people, etc. Tim will take pictures.

While Rachel and I were at the store the younger kids played a rousing game of Pay Day. Joshua is still off at the Middle School Church Retreat. I believe David was the Pay Day winner. Way to go, Little Buddy. Rachel and I got home in time for Rachel to take some pictures of their game.

pay day playing Payday

We have a busy day tomorrow but the house is fairly picked up so I’m ahead of the game in that regard. Daniel worked on the garage today while Rachel cleaned two bathrooms. David and Sarah made sure their bedrooms were all cleaned up. I washed laundry but still need to tidy up my bedroom. It’s awfully nice to have some extra hands around to help.


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P365 – Day 40 (School Spot)

Whoops–It looks like I have two Day 38′s. Well, these things happen. I’ll just jump ahead to Day 40 and fix the other post.

Somehow I went through the entire day without taking a single picture (gasp!). I even had my camera with me and still forgot – too busy teaching, I guess.

I was exhausted this afternoon/evening. I came home from co-op, read my e-mail and then climbed into bed with my Bible, journal and a magazine. Tim’s home office is upstairs in our room so I was able to talk with him about my day, spend some time praying with him (been TOO long since we’ve had our couple prayer time), and then just relax reading. Rachel came and read her book next to me. Very cozy.

I stayed in bed until dinner time – had Daniel and Rachel fix frozen pizzas. It was wonderful. We watched part of Calamity Jane over dinner.

calamity jane

How is it possible that I have somehow missed this little treasure? It was hilarious – songs and dancing and Indians – a perfect mix not to mention Doris Day and our favorite, Howard Keel (Adam Pontipee from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers). I definitely want to add this to our collection of musicals.

7 brides

Tim went back upstairs to work after dinner and, at some point, I got a sudden burst of energy. I decided to rearrange the dining room and vacuum the downstairs. I turned the music up loud and got to work. We have Bible study at our house this weekend so I was motivated to do some cleaning. Somehow my energy lasted through all the furniture moving and vacuuming. I’m beat now and ready for bed. Not sure who is going to clean the kitchen. Tim is still upstairs working, bless his heart. Joshua is off at the middle school retreat. He’s the dinner dishes person this week so I guess I might have to tackle the kitchen myself.

My Project 365 picture(s) of the day comes from the living room. Our favorite school couch time/reading spot and the very full bookshelves next to it. Rather boring with no children in sight but at least the floor is vacuumed. Lol!

Big Bluebookshelves


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