All posts by KME

December (Advent) Begins

As 2015 races to a close, I find myself with a little bit of time. I’m not going to make any blogging promises or firm commitments, but I do think I have time, interest and energy to end the year with a final attempt at Project 365 blogging.

Sarah loves to read the blog.  She's one of my biggest Project 365 fans.

Sarah loves to read the blog. She’s one of my biggest Project 365 fans.

I love, love, love the wonder of the Advent season. I love anticipating Christmas. It makes me smile to come up with creative ways to make December special for my family. And we savor the coming celebration of Jesus’ birth a little more as we practice the daily Advent gift exchange. I’ve written about our family’s Advent celebrations before.

2008 Advent Ice Cream Outing w/Dad
2007 Advent Thoughts
2007 Advent Ideas

Tim and I have an unspoken agreement – I handle all the kids’ Advent treats as well as his and he fills my Advent calendar box.

Sometimes the little items are too big to fit into my small Advent box. Thankfully there is a lovely stocking right nearby, perfect for holding larger treats..

Tasty Advent treat

Tasty Advent treat

Ah, cheese popcorn and Starbucks Via – the way to my heart. Even Marco approves.

"Where's my Advent treat, lady?"

“Where’s my Advent treat, lady?”

Last year I sent Advent boxes to Joshua and Rachel at college, as well as their two cousins and Joshua’s girlfriend (now wife!). It was fun to come up with creative (different) things to give to each person – that would all fit in a small box.

Project 365 – Day 335 (Dec 1)

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Warning – Catch Up Blogs A’Coming

It’s WAY past time that I did some catch up blogging. I’ve been very careful to take a picture every single day this year. I think I only forgot one day and, thankfully, Rachel had taken a picture, so I’m counting hers. Whew. Of course, not all of those pictures were meaningful or even very good, ha, but they’re ours!

Now, that doesn’t mean to say I’ve had the energy or time or care to blog daily (obviously). I can see we’re missing all sorts of days from August on. Whoops. Sometimes you just run out of things to say. Or you worry that your audience (such as it is) will care if you aren’t brilliant or witty.

Well, forget that. Who has time to be brilliant or witty right now? We’ve got a wedding in a few weeks. Holiday craziness all around, and lots of life to live.

But, I do like to blog so my sweet family (far and wide) can keep up with our silly daily/weekly goings-on.

All of which is to say that I think I will start writing out a collection of blogs, so I can post the Project 365 pictures and finish the year strong!

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.


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Grace Space by Robin Merrill [Review]

A Novella

A Novella

When I was in college a sweet friend of mine sold Tupperware. I was engaged to be married, eager to finish school and happily dreaming of starting life as Mrs E. So, of course I HAD to fill my (future) kitchen cabinets with the latest fun containers and gadgets. Even then, a poor college student though he was, Tim spoiled me. He would encourage me to visit my friend and see the newest pieces in her collection. And he always told me to buy a little something.

Now, to be fair, some of those Tupperware containers have lasted since my college days (no need to mention how long that has been). And I STILL love the little orange peeler that came as a giveaway. Thankfully my friend never pressured me to join the Tupperware team. I had all the fun of going to the occasional party, buying a few things, and spending time with friends without any of the negatives that can often plague multi-level marketing opportunities.

In Grace Space, on the other hand, 24 year old Darcy has a slightly different experience. Author Robin Merrill takes Darcy on a crazy journey of direct sales marketing “family” meetings, high pressure selling parties coined as “celebrations,” and a whole sea of purple clad women out to bring in new recruits.

Poor Darcy – 24 years old and living back at home with her parents. She doesn’t quite understand how she’s arrived at this place – student loans, a waitress job, and no potential relationships in sight. It isn’t surprising that she is enticed by the promise of financial success by selling just a little bit of make-up and jewelry. The next thing she knows, Darcy has signed on the dotted line and finds herself launched on an adventure full of embarrassing blunders, kooky characters, and self-discovery. It isn’t long before she begins to wonder if the purple dream is too good to be true.

Grace Space is an amusing novella that left me smiling as I finished the last chapter. The author captures the casual, breezy voice of the twenty-something main character. There were some poignant moments of faith, but mostly the story was light and fun, with an over-the-top caricature of multi-level marketing saleswomen. I would have enjoyed the novella even more had the author drawn the tale out a little more.

A friend invited me to read Grace Space, and it was a pleasant way to spend the afternoon as our family drove through the mountains of Washington.

Author Robin Merill

Author Robin Merill

About the author:
Robin Merrill is the author of several books, including two collections of poetry from Moon Pie Press and five Scholastic Book Fair books. Her poems, short stories, articles, and essays have appeared in hundreds of publications, including The Cafe Review, Ledge Magazine, Yankee Magazine, Spoon River Poetry Review, and Stolen Island Review. Three of her poems have been featured on The Writer’s Almanac with Garrison Keillor. She is a 2013 recipient of an Emerging Artist Award from St. Botolph Club Foundation of Boston. Visit her at


[Disclosure - I did receive a sample of this product in exchange for this review and post.]

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I got my new cookbook a few days ago. So excited to try some of the Trim Healthy Mama recipes that are gathering rave reviews on Facebook and the internet.

Trim Healthy Mama cookbook

Gorgeous pictures, over 300 recipes, and good for you treats!

Tonight I made the tomato chicken bisque. It was delicious AND healthy – everyone loved it.

David gives the bisque the thumbs up!

David gives the bisque the thumbs up!

Tim walked around saying, “BIIIISSSSSQQQQUUUUEEE.” Which was a bit odd until he showed us this Studio C video.

Lobster Bisque.

Of course, after watching this video, I decided Tim might be a bit odd as well. He and the kids are on a Studio C kick these days. Have you watched any of these videos? Which one is your favorite?

Never a dull moment around here!

Project 365 – Days 298 & 299

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A New Hip & Sweet Family

Modern medicine is amazing. Truly, how is it possible that doctors are able to completely replace a person’s knee or hip? I am scared to look online, but I’m sure there are videos that show exactly how the procedure is done. I’ll just be grateful and ignorant of the actual details.

Needless to say, Sarah and I are so honored and privileged to have the opportunity to come to Michigan to care for my mom (or Mamie as we call her) as she recovers from her total hip replacement.

Walker & tray

This walker was a godsend the first week.

Our first few days here were spent enjoying Aunt Kate, Mamie’s IDENTICAL twin sister. I have to emphasize the word identical because, for their growing up years the sisters thought they were fraternal twins. The rest of us were convinced they had to be identical. It only takes a few minutes spent with them, a glance at their picture, or the chance to overhear them talk and giggle, to be CERTAIN they have to be identical twins. It wasn’t until this last year that they finally did a DNA test (courtesy of Aunt Stephanie, their big sister), that they discovered they were identical. Nothing has changed, they love each other as dearly and fiercely as before, but there was much rejoicing in finding out they were IDTs (our new term for the twins).

Twins with their babies

Twins with their babies

My brother Thom and my cousin Alex (born in the same year) called each other Twin Cousins when they were younger. I’m still a wee bit upset that I never had twins.

Years ago - sweet twins!

Years ago – sweet twins!

The first week here in Michigan was especially precious as my family adores Aunt Kate and loves having time with her. We were sorry for Mamie’s pain and the reason for our visit, but delighted to get some days together with the IDTs. Sadly we missed being with Aunt Stephanie, she left the day before we arrived.

My mom’s beautiful relationship with her family – her parents and siblings – has been a true blessing to me over the years. I have observed how they love each other from afar (we grew up in Michigan, my mom’s sisters are in Minnesota and my grandmother retired to a home in Texas), how they support and encourage one another, and come alongside during the good and bad times, the easy days and the difficult ones.

Mom quickly became a pro at the walker.

Mom quickly became a pro at the walker.

It has been a richness of family and history that I have surely taken for granted. When my grandmother was living, we would travel with my parents to see her every year (bringing along a passel of noisy, exuberant great-grandchildren). We have been incredibly spoiled over the years by my aunts and uncles. My children have been blessed with trips overseas and college assistance by my Aunt Stephanie. We have been loved and prayed over with an abundance of grace.

Rachel and Tahlia with Aunt Stephanie

Rachel and Tahlia with Aunt Stephanie

Love being with family here in Michigan. Sarah is a sweet companion.

Love you, pretty girl!

Love you, pretty girl!

We do school, bring Mamie ice packs and chocolate (depending on the needs of the moment), watch Hallmark movies and cooking shows, go online for TPS classes, join Mamie in her hip exercises, and relax. It’s been a unique and special time.

Project 365 – October 12th and October 14th

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