A Cat of All Chairs

Although we pretend that we have our own lives and purposes, the truth of the matter is that we exist to open doors and metal cans for our cats, and to serve them in any other little way that amuses them.

Marco, our Maine Coon cat, particularly enjoys demonstrating his mastery over all the two-legged creatures. His favorite way of asserting dominance is to steal his victim’s chair when they get up, and then he acts surprised and offended when they come back to sit down.

Who, me?  No, I've been sitting in this chair all evening.

Who, me? No, I’ve been sitting in this chair all evening.

For many years, we lived without cats, and it was not good for us. We used to think that we were in charge of the house, and that we were entitled to pursuing our own respective agendas.

You may bow to me.  I occupy the seat of POWER!

You may bow to me. I occupy the seat of POWER!

No more. I think God created cats to ensure that people learned humility. The contemptuous disdain of their bored glance, their treatment of everyone as furniture, and their belief that the world is one large litter box all communicates clearly that we are here to serve them.

Yes, you may sit on the floor, lowly human.

Yes, you may sit on the floor, lowly human.

Oh, excuse me, I need to go. His highness wants a snack.

Project 365, Day 15.


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I’m tired. I have too much to do. I want to either settle in on the big, comfy couch and read my Bible, write and pray in my beautiful journal, and spend some time with Jesus OR just go to bed. If I’m not careful, I don’t end up doing either thing and I waste a little bit of time here and a little bit there.

Thankful for my blessings!

Thankful for my blessings!

Instead of frittering away an hour on Facebook, Pinterest, or random websites, I’ll share some blessings and then go to bed. There is nothing quite as transforming as pausing to be thankful.

Blessings and Thankfulnesses (my blog, I can make up words)

1. Serving in AWANA with my family
2. Being able to text my sweet college girl and tell her I miss her
3. Crock pots and bbq ribs that cook away magically while we’re at church
4. A talented husband who designs and creates websites for me
5. Friends who love me and are patient with me when I’m grumpy
6. Friends who come and work alongside me at AWANA
7. Friends who set an example of giving selflessly
8. Friends who pray for me when I’m struggling
9. Friends who share an encouraging word
10. Comfy shoes
11. Sunny afternoons and walks down the road
12. Living in a cul-d-sac with little traffic
13. Amazing kids who shine with their patient, hardworking attitudes
14. Having a dishwasher and kids who help around the house
15. Being able to homeschool my children
16. A great college where my older two kids can learn and grow
17. The privilege to serve on our homeschool co-op board
18. God’s love and forgiveness
19. New mercies
20. Grace and peace and joy

Having Mamie with us for Christmas is one of the BEST BLESSINGS EVER!

Having Mamie with us for Christmas is one of the BEST BLESSINGS EVER!

Project 365 – Day 14

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Grandad and Hot Cocoa

Today is my dad’s birthday. It has been bittersweet to think of him throughout the day, to look at pictures, talk about him with the kids and on Facebook, and hear others share memories of him. I am continually amazed that it has been almost four years since he left us and went to heaven. I am incredibly proud of him. I am thankful of the godly heritage he left me. And I am full of joyful hope that we will see each other again one day.

Looking over the blog (we’ve been writing off and on since 2004), I found that I had posted a birthday hello to Grandad in 2007 (Joshua – look, it’s your cell phone! From 2007! Impressive). I also wrote something in 2008.


Loss – it pierces with the realization that we must hold lightly to things in this life at the same time savor every moment with abandonment. Such a strange paradox. We get lost in the minutia and the mundane, but it is exactly those things that weave together the most glorious tapestry of relationships, love and LIFE.

Amidst this rather busy, gray day, the kids decided some hot cocoa would be a nice treat. As for me, I skip the chocolatey stuff and stick to coffee.

Pretty girl and her hot cocoa

My sweet girl and her hot cocoa

The hot cocoa tins from Costco are a regular stocking stuffer in our house so, during the month of January, there’s usually plenty of hot chocolate to go around.

Daniel says NO to marshmallows and YES to whipped cream on his hot cocoa.

Daniel says NO to marshmallows and YES to whipped cream on his hot cocoa.

When even the hot cocoa can’t cheer away the fog and gray skies, there are always plenty of candles to brighten the room. Strangely enough I can always find a child willing to get out the matches and light the candles for me.

Careful, David!

Careful, David!

When the week (or is it a month?) of sunLESS days continues on, I pause, breathe deeply, close my eyes and savor the memories of the incredibly GORGEOUS Washington summer we had this year.

Sarah and some beautiful island girls!!

Sarah and some beautiful island girls!!

Hot cocoa, memories of Grandad, pictures of beach days, and the knowledge that my happiness and hope rests in Jesus.

“And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10

Project 365 – Day 12

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Staying Connected

One of the main reasons for the resurrection of Project 365, has been that our blog writing last year was not very impressive. It earned us a fairly high level of collective scorn from the kids who were away at college.

Ordinarily, this wouldn’t be much of a problem, because college students are renowned for being poor communicators. Most of them head off to school blithely, and the next time you hear from them, it is time to come home for the summer.

But not our kids. They are very intentional about calling us, and Skype-ing us nearly every weekend. Joshua set the pattern when he went off to school, and Rachel must have assumed it was normal behavior. It is all very nice, but it makes it hard to be a slacker parent.

Rachel is pretty, even when she's a digital picture of a Skype screen.

Rachel is pretty, even when she’s a digital picture of a Skype screen.

Today Rachel wanted to connect with us all, so we fired up Skype on Kathy’s computer, but soon ran into technical problems. So Joshua whipped out his laptop, and we all gathered around to talk with her about the class she is taking for January Term, and how she is doing in general.

We are especially thankful for Joshua and Rachel's close relationship.

We are especially thankful for Joshua and Rachel’s close relationship.

It was delightful to hear from her. We are very thankful that our college kids remember to connect with us, notwithstanding my resentful tone.

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