Category Archives: Aunts and Uncles

Such Great Advice

Okay, you all are amazing. Friends, family and total strangers chimed in on yesterday’s blog to suggest great ways to transform our family’s eating from junk food happy to healthy, fit and vibrant.

Instead of sticking with snacks like these:

look at that candy

Austin (my sweet friend, Jodi’s, son) checks out some serious candy options in downtown Williamsburg.

…instead I guess we have to bring these kind of “treats” into the home:

veggies, yum

Fruit, veggies and more.

I was so encouraged by all the helpful comments. A hearty thank you to everyone who responded. This morning Sarah and I went to the store and I made sure to fill up my grocery cart with plenty of fruits and vegetables. The kids gobbled down the apples and oranges like starving urchins and everyone enjoyed a big salad this evening.

I think I forgot that a healthy lifestyle requires continue work. I don’t know why it should be so surprising, the laundry doesn’t ever end (Hooray, I did 6 loads of laundry, now I’m done for the month. Ha! Right.) and housework is a constant responsibility, working out effectively means regular, consistent time set aside for exercise, and the spiritual disciplines are life long pursuits.

I bought two bags of apples, a bunch of bananas, a container of cherry tomatoes, some lettuce, carrots, and a big bag of oranges. These will last just days at our house. Seven people can go through a LOT of produce. However, I really appreciate all the supportive words about the importance of feeding my family healthy, nutritious food.

You all are the BEST!!

family dinner

Dinner with the Daniels

This picture has nothing to do with today’s post but it does center around food so I figure I can sneak it in. When Tim and I were in Virginia, we had the opportunity to spend some time with my aunt, uncle and two cousins. They fed us an amazing dinner. It was so delicious my mouth is literally watering over the memories.

When Tim and I were going to school in VA, and later when we lived in Connecticut, we would occasionally drop by (unannounced, of course) on my dad’s sister and her family. Inevitably, they would be hosting some sort of party or gathering. As poor college students and then poorer newlyweds, Tim and I quickly realized this was a GREAT way to get a hearty (FREE) meal. We somehow managed to “stop over” for Christmas parties, barbeques and high school reunions.

No longer impulsive college students, this time we planned far in advance. I called Saturday to see if we could come over Sunday. It’s astounding how much a person can grow and mature over the years. Ever the gracious hosts, Aunt Lee Lee and Uncle Jack put together a beautiful dinner just for us.

cousins all grown up

We managed to convince my cousin, Sye, and his wife to join us for a picture.

In honor of this topic of healthy eating, I should remark that Aunt Lee Lee served a huge fruit salad, a fresh green salad, broccoli casserole and baked sweet potatoes not to mention several other dishes. Please excuse my growling stomach, I don’t think I’ve eaten that well since we left Virginia.

If you read through the comments and think of something brilliant that was neglected, please don’t delay, get typing and pass along your Fruit and Veggie Wisdom.


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Disappearing blogs

I did post a blog last night. Really, I did. Some of you even got a nice little e-mail notification. Sorry about that. Is there such a thing as blogging false alarms? The gal who cried “Blog!” Thankfully it wasn’t a very brilliant or witty, or even mildly amusing, post. The pictures, often a redeeming factor in the blog, were only average. So actually, you should be thanking me for sparring you the annoyance of a sub par blog.

What happened is I posted the blog to our old server whereas Tim has moved everything to the new server. It all seems a bit science fiction-y to me but I listen attentively and murmur words of encouragement as needed. I’m sure that I am a big help.

It has definitely been a big job to move everything over to this new server. I still don’t understand why the hosting company isn’t more helpful. Let’s see, I pay you MORE money each month and then I do all the work myself? Of course! Silly me.

david's tortured look

David is VERY upset about all of the website trouble we’ve been having. Look at that agony, the boy is suffering.

To add insult to injury, I left my camera at our pastor’s house last night when we were over for dinner. Boy, getting it back from him is probably going to be costly.

“Sure, Kathy, you can have your camera. Which class would you like to teach for VBS? Oh, sorry Kathy, I left your camera at home. You can have it tomorrow, maybe, but first let’s talk about the need we have for nursery workers.”

Shew. Holding a camera for ransom seems low, even for a pastor.

rachel's hat

What would I do without these self-portraits of some of my favorite children?

Of course, being an overachiever in the Project 365 department, I do have a few other pictures to choose from for the odd blog (odd being the number, not content or state of the blogger). On Sunday we had lunch with Tim’s family. During our conversation it came out that Rebecca (15 yrs. next month) has some sensory “issues.” She even went so far as to call my beloved orange chair (Orange Crush) “almost evil.” I guess the pseudo velour fabric isn’t to her liking. So, of course, before she left we had to tie her up and make her sit in it.

That’s the kind of loving family we are.

rebecca is tortured

How can you NOT like this chair? Some people have no taste.

Tim’s brother insists that these kind of odd quirks and eccentricities always accompany a true genius so we’re trying not to be overly concerned about Rebecca.

Of course, when I’m not tying up nieces and nephews and forcing them to face their fears, I occasionally torture them with family pictures.

“You’ll thank me later,” I tell them but so far no one has. Blogging has created a photo monster in me, what can I say. I’ve heard scrapbookers talk about how, after years of scrapping, they begin to compose pictures to fit in their oval and circle cropping stencils. Some even dress their family members in clothing matches their scrapbook paper. By comparison, I’m almost normal. Almost.

three generations

Three generations!

We aren’t wearing matching shirts or even perfectly coordinated colors but I think it works.

the ladies

We needed Tim’s sister and her family to complete the photo shoot.

I apologize for any any e-mail troubles you’ve had with our account or wild blogging goose chases you might have experienced this week. Tim is slowly working through all the steps to ensure everything is working smoothly.

Project 365 – Day 203

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Random Wedding Pictures & Computer Fussing

Okay, why is it that all the computers in the house work fine with the new wireless connectivity except mine??? Are there mischievous blogging imps sneaking around, trying to keep me off line? All I want to do is blog away happily. Is that asking too much? Well, I would like to be able to get my e-mail, write a few back here and there, read all the blogs I’ve been missing over the vacation and comment excessively. My requests are simple. Really.

the family gathers

We’re going to the chapel for a wedding! The cousins and I pose with Aunt Stephanie and Aunt Kate.

I have to be careful, though. If I’m very vocal about my complaints, my mother will hand me a piece of paper and tell me to try to remember those ancient days before they had things like google and the internet and blogging. Gasp. I suppose they also developed film and mailed the doubles away to friends and family. I hope there aren’t any children reading this. The shock might be too great for them.

mamie and the girls

Mom sits in a pew with Rachel and Sarah, looking oh so coordinated and lovely.

In the midst of my hardships, I’m hobbling along as best I can. It’s important to keep the readers happy and I’m willing to do what it takes. Right now it takes some creativity, a USB memory key and access to another computer.

chase and uncle dan

Cousin Chase and Uncle Dan flash big grins for the camera.

I’m here for you all. Don’t despair. I won’t even mention the tragedy that happened tonight when Dad and I took the children to a fantastic park nearby and I, horror of all horrors, forgot my camera. Sigh. It didn’t help that my father kept saying, “Boy, this would be a perfect blog picture,” as the kids ran up and down the grassy knolls, oohed and ahhed over baby ducks and took turns on the zip line.

rachel and emily

Rachel gets a hug from her new aunt, the gorgeous bride herself.

We won’t even talk about it. I’ll stick to stunning wedding pictures, since wedding is a really special day and that’s why people look for the best mens wedding ring collection for using in this special day. Much more satisfying than any old baby ducks. Sniff. Thankfully, most people will skim over my fussing, not really bothering to read the blog itself, and just enjoy the happy family shots.

jenn and sarah

Sarah and Aunt Jenn pose for one last picture before the day ends.

Until next time. May you be surrounded by friends and family who love you and computers that blog along speedily.

Project 365 – Day 174

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Heading off for a wedding…

So many pictures, so little time to blog. These posts will be frightfully out of order, I’m afraid. Ah, we do the best we can.

Thursday we drove to Lake Michigan, picking up the groom on the way.

phil's pensive look

What is Phil thinking? Deep groom-like thoughts?

It was an unexpected gift to have some uninterrupted time with Philip. Okay, there were 5 children in the van so it was hardly a quiet drive. We managed to get a smile out of Phil.

phil smiles

Just mention Emily and Phil lights up.

That evening Aunt Kate (my mom’s twin sister), Uncle Jerry (Kate’s dh), and Aunt Stephanie (my mom’s older sister) all flew in. We also met up with my brother Thom and Doug, a good friend of the family. We all went out to dinner. “Thank you, Aunt Stephanie, for a delicious meal!!!”

phil and doug

Phil and Doug

The next day we played in the sand and enjoyed our new digs. It’s certainly different being the family of the groom (ie sit around and relax all day, show up at the appointed time) versus the bride (decorate the reception hall, teach breathing techniques to the bride and bridesmaids, tie up little bundles of sweets for the reception tables, panic over last minute details, etc). I certainly don’t remember any time to relax on the weekend of my wedding. Maybe that’s just because I was the bride. I’m sure my brothers weren’t fretting and stressing during that time. Now that I think about it, they were probably sitting around relaxing and waiting until it was time to show up for the wedding. Hmmm.

Far be it for me to imply that the activities surrounding the wedding are boring but look at these little guys.

david restschase sleeps

I think the playing and relaxing at the beach wore David and Chaseton out.

The rehearsal dinner was delicious. We filled up three long tables with family and friends. I met Emily’s mother and aunt. She has a lovely family. The kids are so excited to have a new aunt. They adore Jenn (Thom’s wife) and figure Emily will surely be as wonderful.

the girls

The girls – Kathy, Emily, Rachel, Tahlia, Sarah and Aydia – pose for a picture.

Phil was a gracious host and went around, speaking to all of the well-wishers. We, of course, snagged him for a picture.

Phil is loved up!

Chase grabs Phil for a hug while Mom and Dan smile pretty.

More details to follow. It has been a lovely, lovely vacation and the wedding was perfect!

Project 365 – Days 172 & 173

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Happy (late) Birthday Uncle Dan

This week of April is full of birthdays in our family. My mother-in-law’s birthday was on Wednesday, my brother’s birthday was on Friday and Daniel’s birthday was today! Wow! That’s a lot of birthday cake. :)

I have some great black and white pictures of my brother Dan from the batch Joshua digitized for me a while back. I just had to post them in honor of Dan’s birthday.

I love you, Dan! Happy Birthday!! Is it 35??? :)

happy birthday?

Okay, I do NOT know the history of this picture. My dad looks absolutely dead/exhausted. If this was Dan’s 4th birthday, then I was turning 6 in July, Thom was turning 2 in July, and my mom was 4 months pregnant with Phil. Ouch! No wonder Dad looks a wee bit tired.:)

Dan lives in Michigan, but occasionally finds himself up late at night. Being a bit of a night owl, very social and a great phone conversationalist, Dan has been known to call friends and family across the US (following the time zones). Since we are all the way over on the west coast, Dan has diiscovered he can always call and chat with us, no matter what the hour because, with the time difference, it’s never too late for us. We have great conversations, chatting about everything from movies to Starbucks (a mutual passion). Dan has an amazing way of making people feel comfortable. He is easy to talk to, funny, friendly and charming.

I have LOTS of pictures of Dan but these OLD ones are some of the few actually scanned in to the computer.


Time for a little pool action at Nana and Grandaddy’s indoor pool in MN.

look at that face

Look at that face! Is he planning some mischief or what?

Being close in age and different in our academic and social interests, Dan and I had just a wee bit of conflict negotiating those teenage years. Okay, I might have been the typical bossy older sister. Who knew we would grow to enjoy each other with some age, wisdom and distance (helped when I went off to college-lol).

silly hug

Every girl needs a “big brother” and eventually all three of my YOUNGER brothers grew to become my big, tall brothers.

I still remember the first time Tim met my family and the “looking over” he received from my brothers. And people wonder why I laugh so hard at the scene in My Big Fat Greek Wedding when the main character’s brother talks to his sister’s fiancé.

Nick: I’ve never seen my sister this happy, Ian.
If you hurt her, I’ll kill you and make it look like an accident.

I can’t be sure, but I think some sort of similar exchange may have passed between Tim and Dan, Thom and Phil. Thankfully Tim survived the brother test and was permitted to join the family.

getting married

Time for the big day, Sis! Are you sure you’re ready to marry “that guy?” May 1992 – Wedding!

Just a little Happy Birthday Blog for my brother Dan.


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