Category Archives: Kathy

We Bless When We Serve

One thing I love about Facebook is all the (crazy, inspirational, funny, thoughtful) articles people share. Seriously, I could get lost in cat videos, parenting stories, and delicious looking recipes. I have to admit though, I avoid political diatribes and controversial news stories. Sorry, I’m more of a “happily ever after” girl.

Love the pink flowers starting to bloom in my yard.

This is the only Project 365 picture taken today – the rest are from April 1st. Full disclosure and all that.

Today I read a blog post from The House of Hendrix about some amazing women who gathered around a friend who was in chronic pain. They showed up at her house (in their pj’s no less), cleaned it from top to bottom, filled the fridge with food, and taped up verses and words of encouragement on cabinets and mirrors.

Bless those women. And bless that blogger for sharing their story (complete with silly pictures). Because when we share our stories of love and hope and encouragement, we multiply the joy. We identify the struggle (being in pain, suffering, pride, not wanting to ask for help) and we see ourselves in the serving (giving of ourselves to bless those we love, laughing, joining in community and sisterhood). And we are inspired to serve those in the world around us.

The women in our Bible study.
The couple in our Small Group at church.
The moms in our MOPS group.
The neighbors we don’t know very well.
The friends we’ve had for years and years.
The new friends we’ve just made this year.
The family in our homeschool co-op.
The friends our children make at school.

When I reflect on how incredibly I’ve been blessed – a sweet card in the mail, an encouraging text message, a FB instant message thanking me, a freezer meal, an offer to babysit my kids, and on and on and on – I remember (once again) that the Lord places us in families and communities and church bodies to LOVE and SERVE each other. That joy and encouragement and hope are too vast and grand and wonderful to keep to ourselves.

Love these women!

These are just a few of the beautiful women I am honored to call friends!

When I read that blog post today, I realized I have those type of friends in my life. On Wednesday a few moms planned to gather at the park. As the kids and I were climbing into the car, getting ready to leave, the previously cheerful and sunny day turned grey and cloudy. By the time we reached the parking lot at the park, it was pouring. As I joined two other moms, it literally started hailing!

The messages started flying –
It’s pouring! What do we do? What? It’s raining? I haven’t left my house yet. What do we do? Panic!!

And so on.

I quickly offered my house. Oh dear, and then I did a little counting. Potentially 12 kids, my house, a rainy day and a garage that is currently packed to the ceiling with mess (hey, it’s on my list, I’ve been busy). A few seconds later, I threw another friend under the bus and offered her house to the group. What can I say, I panicked. Before anyone could answer, I grabbed my phone and hurried to call her and see how she felt about me offering up her house as a sacrificial party place. That conversation went something like this:

Me – Heh heh, so how do you feel about us coming to your house?
[Pause pause]
Me – Or we could totally go to my place. It’s just your house has more room for rowdy, crazy, cooped up banshees who wanted to go to the park and are now stuck inside kids.
[More pausing]
Me – [trying to convey a cheerful, spirit over the phone.]
Friend – That’s fine. I’m not home and the house is a mess, but you all can go over. I’ll be there as soon as I can.
Me – Yay! You are the BEST! [deliberately ignoring any hints she might be giving that we should go to my house instead]

I said we shouldn't give the boys weapons, but no one listened.

I told them not to give the boys weapons, but no one listened.

I sent the word out that we were moving the play date from the PARK to a HOUSE and off we went. Well, please, this group of women knows how to deal with a house that is a little (or even a lot) messy. We got right to work. One of the teens swept the floor. Two others put away shoes and tidied the entry way. I washed a sink full of dishes. One of the boys took out the trash. Two moms tackled the kitchen table and counter tops – cleaning, washing, and wiping down the surfaces.

Grace, Julia, Sophia, and Caden are hard workers!

Grace, Julia, Sophia, and Caden are hard workers!

By the time our hostess returned, we had just put the finishing touches on the dishes and started the dishwasher. One of the moms had planned ahead and had a carafe of hot coffee and three types of creamer set out (complete with cups and sugar) on the counter. What can I say, we are that kind of awesome.

Emma and Sarah took some time to relax.

Emma and Sarah took some time to relax.

I think we decided the non-park party was a hit. In fact, we rapidly realized we needed to take turns hosting. And we should only host on days when we have plenty of dirty dishes to wash and counters that need to be cleaned. Which frankly is pretty much every day, so I think our plan is a good one.

Daniel found some reading material.

Daniel found some reading material.

The greatest lesson for me was to see, once again, what a joy it is to serve. In this case we were able to bless this sweet friend who opened up her home to us, even though she was weary and her kitchen was full of the signs of a busy life. It was a privilege to come and take a little bit of the burden off of her shoulders.

Grace isn't sure why the moms are so silly.

Grace isn’t sure why the moms are so silly.

As the scriptures say so beautifully –

Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality. Romans 12:9-13

Project 365 – Day 92

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Joys and Sadness and Promises

I started this blog with the intention of writing about how the kids sometimes spend their time during our school reading. I loaded the pictures and started writing. I even came up with a few titles.

Couch Time Arts and Crafts
Read Aloud Entertainment
Random Craft Books We Like

David and Marco - working on the Buck Book

David and Marco – working on the Buck Book

Hmmm. Yeah, had a hard time coming up a very catchy title.

Sarah's art book

Sarah’s art book and her bucket of gel pens – art waiting to happen!

I tried to do a search on the blog for other posts I’ve written on this subject, and then I got lost in all the cuteness of the kids from blogging days gone by. Is it weird that I find my own writing entertaining? Oh dear. Is that a little narcissistic? But really, this blog about Rachel getting glasses. I mean, how could I resist spending time reading about a day from Feb 2007. Especially when Sarah and I went to the eye doctor yesterday.

Strange how life circles around.

And then I started wondering about the passage of time and the hopes, dreams, and changes in life. Does the Lord protect us from seeing too far into the future because He knows we need to live in TODAY and not focus on the joys, sadnesses, losses, heart breaks, and victories coming in the TOMORROWS ahead of us. But that seems odd because, wouldn’t we treasure the moments today if we knew they were fleeting? Or maybe we would dread the pain that was coming too much to walk forward. It would paralyze us. And we would cling too much to the joyful moments that we couldn’t enjoy them, knowing they were going to end.

Sarah's beautiful creations

Sarah’s beautiful creations

I don’t know. This is what happens when I blog late at night after reading old posts of “days gone by”. I start to wax on a bit maudlin in tone. Oh dear, now I’ve used the word maudlin in the day’s blog.

When I search the scriptures and think about the hope that the Lord offers and the peace that He promises, I think it is okay to savor the joys and mourn the losses. I can’t turn back time and relive the years when my father was alive or the busy days of homeschooling all five kids. I can’t live them any more fully than I did.

Regrets do nothing but amplify pain and sadness.

I can, however, be PRESENT in today.

Love that grin!

Love that grin!

I can listen when David tells me his dreams from last night’s sleep.
I can pay attention when Sarah shares thoughts about friendship and cliques and “being cool.”
I can look at Frisbee clips on the computer and laugh at random videos with Daniel.

Working on Ultimate stats

Working on Ultimate stats

I can capture the day’s moments on film and journal on the blog.
I can hug more, fuss less.
I can praise more and criticize less.
I can be thankful EVERY DAY for the abundant blessings in my life.
I can teach and study and share my love of learning.
I can love and forgive and encourage the kids to do the same.
I can be transparent when I’m moved by God’s grace and power (even if that means tears).
I can mourn losses and give us all freedom to grieve when we need to.

“Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Rev 21:3-4

I can live with joy today because I know that I have a future ahead of me that is greater than anything I can imagine. I can walk in peace today because I have a God who promises never to leave or forsake me. I can laugh and cry over memories of yesterday without letting it consume my tomorrow.

And so the post I started writing (arts and crafts and read-alouds) took a bit of a rambling turn and ended in a sweet message from the Lord to me. How fitting that the song that He gave me to end my time was Matt Maher’s Lord, I Need You.

Every hour I need you. Amen.

Project 365 – Day 77

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Essential Allergies

While we were down in Portland, my allergies returned full-force, and I was somewhat miserable. It is hard to laugh as much as I like to laugh at (or in some cases, with) my brother when my sinuses are so congested.

Three little vials of essential oils.

Three little vials of essential oils.

Back at the tail-end of the last decade I became desperate, as my allergies had seemed to worsen by about 10% each year. So (after much ‘encouragement’ from my lovely wife) I went to an allergist and started allergy shots. After a year or so, the shots were pretty effective, so I kept up the treatment regimen for nearly three years.

I probably should have continued. Only a few years later, I am back where I started.

So Kathy turned to the interweb. As it turns out, many people get relief from a wide range of ailments by inhaling the aroma of various essential oils. No, I’m not making this up. There is a whole industry offering these oils which can be topically applied, inhaled, and in some cases, ingested.

Kathy and Sarah are either praying or snorting essential oils.  You decide which.

Kathy and Sarah are either praying or snorting essential oils. You decide which.

My wife picked up a few samples from a friend, and we’ve been trying a blend of lavender, peppermint and lemon oils, several times a day. I have to admit, they do temporarily clear out the sinuses, and there seems some mild relief from the worst of my allergy symptoms. Kathy likes the smell of the oils, and the ritual of pouring out the drops, rubbing our hands together, inhaling the scent, and ultimately rubbing the residue on our necks and upper chest is very entertaining.

I’m a skeptic about these things, but I must admit that desperation makes me very tractable. Further bulletins as events warrant.

Project 365, Day 70

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Love Box

Kathy spent the last couple of days at a Beth Moore conference in Redmond, and I have missed her quite a bit. I spent part of the time assembling a belated Christmas present that never quite got finished — a Love Box.

Fireproof for up to a half-hour, the box says.  I sure hope our house burns quickly, if we have a fire ...

Fireproof for up to a half-hour, the box says. I sure hope our house burns quickly, if we have a fire …

The basic idea is to have a central place to store important documents and instructions in case something happens to me. It was a little weird to assemble all this information — planning for my own self to be out of the picture. A lot of the details (things about bank accounts, assets, retirement accounts, life insurance) was scattered all over the place, and some of it was only in my head. I feel better about having it written down, in case the Lord calls me home early.

Remembering Kathy’s Dad’s sudden illness and death four years ago, it seems the sort of thing I should do, just in case. I only hope that I can be anywhere near as careful in providing for Kathy as Granddad was, in his financial provision for Mamie.

Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink

It was a gorgeous afternoon here — temperatures in the 60′s, with clear blue skies. Kathy and I went for a walk along the waterfront in Steilacoom, and she chattered away about the conference and a myriad of other things. That girl can really talk, when we’ve been apart for a few days!

Fortunately, I am a pretty good listener, and very glad to have her home.

Project 365, Day 52

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Old Fashioned

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I wanted to take my sweetie out for a date. One nice thing about having lots of children — your wife tends to be a pretty low-maintenance date — I can take Kathy pretty much anywhere if I’m willing to talk.

I settled on the movie Old Fashioned, which opened today. It was hard to find — only a few theaters in Washington are showing it. We had to drive up to Tukwila (about 40 minutes away).

Amber and Clay from the Old Fashioned movie.

The premise of the movie is that the young man (Clay) has rejected the superficiality of the ‘dating scene’ and is seeking to adhere to some ‘old fashioned’ boundaries in the way he treats women. For example, he won’t be alone with a girl (unless she’s his wife) which makes for some awkwardness when he needs to repair Amber’s stove (he gives her a blanket and an umbrella and has her wait outside while he works on it). Of course, as the movie unfolds, we find that both Clay and Amber are reacting against some pain in their past relationships.

We were a little late leaving home, and then there was an accident on I-5, so we missed the first few minutes of the film. I think it started pretty slowly, so hopefully we didn’t miss too much. It was an odd movie — strangely paced, and a bit gloomy for a fair bit of the time. I liked it, though, and it ended pretty well — I recommend it as a good date movie (some irony, there) if only for the discussion it may spark.

My Valentine

My pretty Valentine — she’s not usually this blurry, but hey, this IS Project 365, so you have to take what I have.

Afterward, we wanted to get something to eat, so we found a Mexican restaurant in the mall not far from the movie theater. Unfortunately, the entire population of Western Washington was also there (at the restaurant, not at the movie) and so we rapidly decamped. We found a much quieter restaurant close to home and finished the evening there.

All in all, it was a lovely chance to get away together. I’m so very glad that my Valentine is still my best friend, after 22 3/4 years of marriage.

Project 365, Day 44

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