Category Archives: Daily Life


P365 – Day 80 (Poke War)

One, two, three, four, I declare … Poke War???

I’ve known the children to arm wrestle, play hide and seek, dress up in costumes and create imaginary games of all sorts. We play board games and card games of all sorts. The kids love sword fights and full scale battles with toy soldiers. Poke War, however, is a new one to me.

Further investigation reveals Joshua is the initiator of this intriguing game. He learned it at church middle school (of course) and brought it straight home to his siblings (of course).

Now, whenever the children have a dull moment (and they’re not outside playing catch) they can be found playing Poke War. The specifics of the game are as follows:

1) Find victim (I mean opponent)
2) Grasp hands – index finger extended


3) Twist and turn – testing opponents strength

rachel and joshua

rach & josh

4) Try various maneuvers with the goal of poking your opponent anywhere except the arms or head

daniel and joshua

more daniel and joshua

5) Continue twisting and spinning until one person is poked


rachel poked

6) Convince Mom the person crying isn’t really hurt

daniel and david

david and daniel

7) Declare victory and find another victim

So far no one has been seriously injured or wounded. The kids are strangely well matched. Daniel is wiry and quick to spin and turn. Joshua uses brute force (“You ARE the Brute Squad”) but plays by the rules and doesn’t get too rough with the younger children. Rachel is very strong and has those long nails which are a bit intimidating. I’m not sure where David fits in, strength/power wise, but he’s definitely NOT going to be left out.

As a mother, who has a vested interest (ie has to pay medical bills) in the children remaining in one piece, the game SOUNDS horrible. There is much shoving and pushing and laughing and rough-housing. If that isn’t a recipe for trouble, I don’t know what is. Perhaps it looks and sounds worse than it really is, and it’s all just fun and games. Of course, it’s called Poke War so I’m not sure the intent is necessarily all that benign.

Anybody up for a game? Just don’t tell them you learned it here.


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P365 – Day 79 (A Boy and His Mitt)

The sun came out today. Hooray! I’m afraid I’m more affected by the weather than I like to believe. Yesterday was so grey and rainy, it was rather depressing. Although it was colder outside than it looked, the sunshine was delightful. I’m still fighting a fatigue of some sort (mini flu symptoms??) which left me rather tired all day (don’t ask me why I’m up this late blogging) and a serious need for comfort food. I think I ended up snitching bites of the kids’ peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Since I’m not supposed to eat bread or sugar these days, this was a sign that I was NOT doing well. Uh oh. I finally made a big bowl of steel cut oats with milk to curb the serious carb cravings.

Curb Carb Cravings. Kathy’s Curbing the Carb Cravings – Sorry, it’s late and I need to finish this and go to bed.

While dinner was in the oven, Tim was watching a movie to cheer him up (Maverick – sure to make you laugh), and I was on the phone Skyping with Tina; the boys went outside to play ball.


David is so excited to start baseball at the Y next session. He has been talking and thinking about it for a couple of weeks. Joshua drudged up this mitt for him. Talk about a well-appreciated gift!


Daniel is the only leftie in the family. He is in good company with his Uncle Thom.


Joshua is an awesome big brother. He went outside and played ball with the younger boys. They had a softball and tennis ball going so there was plenty of throwing and catching.


Brothers are the best!!

I decided to combat my fatigue and overwhelming hunger attacks (no doubt psychological as I already had that huge bowl of oatmeal) by going to the Y for a workout. Rachel came with me and did 4 miles on the bike while I was on the elliptical machine behind her. So lovely to have company. We didn’t linger — worked out and then went home. I topped the evening off with an apple and the rest of the broccoli from dinner. Rachel ate the last bit of the stuffed shells (the boys did NOT leave her much, greedy rascals) and then decided to follow my example and have a big bowl of steel cut oats. Yum. Oats might go down as my new comfort food.

Play Ball!


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P365 – Day 78 Chapter Time

Grey day. Steady rain. Coughing children. Tired mama. Doesn’t this sound like a great start to the week? I think the cold medicine I took last night knocked me out because it was 7 am when I glanced at the clock this morning, and all I did was turn over for a second and it was 9:30 am. Yikes! That’s pushing things a bit late, even for me.

heads down

Brainstorming ideas of how to get mom out of bed in the morning????

Despite the rainy and grey ["can't go outside and play"] weather, the coughing children, and the tired homeschooling mommy, we actually did accomplish quite a bit today. We did lots of school. Read our books. I finished a good portion of my BSF. Rachel made pumpkin, oatmeal, raisin cookies (with a few chocolate chips thrown in the mix) for a snack. Dinner cooked in the crock pot.

Most importantly, I discovered why Joshua is often found reclining on the couch known as Dough Boy. It is incredibly comfortable! Tim and I finished our movie and I would have been content to spend the whole evening in that cozy couch. So nice.

Tim, even with his pathetic, scratchy voice, read the chapter to the children this evening. I listened in a little bit. They are in one of the gospels. Sounds like John to me but perhaps it’s Matthew. They read out of the Picture Bible (I think) which is colorful enough to please Daniel and David, and meaty and true to the story to suit the rest of the group.

Here they are smiling for the camera. Sarah fell asleep before they started so I said I would PhotoShop her in. Of course, I don’t have PhotoShop so I guess we’ll just keep the picture the way it is. :)

smiling for the camera

Almost every night (less when the crew is all sick) Tim reads to the children from the Bible. He also takes the time to pray with them. I think he is awesome for making time to teach the children God’s Word and being so faithful week after week. Yay Tim! How many years has it been now?

I’ve already taken my nightly meds so I had better crawl upstairs before I pass out down here in front of the computer. Lovely.


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P365 – Day 77 (Fresh Air)

The flu epidemic rages on. Can I call it an epidemic if our whole family has it and our whole family is larger than the average American family? Let’s see, defines epidemic as affecting many persons at the same time, and spreading from person to person. That sounds about right for us.

daniel and david

Daniel and David strategize the best way to beat this flu.

Actually it’s hardly raging. Most everyone is feeling close to normal (as if that ever meant anything in our family). The coughing, however, continues. This morning we were a family symphony of coughs. It was truly remarkable – harmony and everything. We could be the Von Duckabush Family Coughers. That’s a pretty catchy title. Of course, ‘catchy’ might be a little too apt with all the germs flying around.

daniel and david 2

“David, if we move the tissue boxes here, the cold medicine there, and the soldiers over here, this ridge would be completely impenetrable and the flu defeated!”

We stayed home from church today. The weekend feels very odd when Sunday is no different from Saturday. Where’s that adrenaline rush in the morning as we shove food down the kids’ throats while gathering shoes and Bibles; brushing hair, all at the same time? What about the pretty dresses with messy hair? It is so hard to find a brush or comb on Sunday morning – I think they all sneak and hide Saturday night just to watch me scurry on Sunday. And then there are the handsome boys in their nice outfits complete with dirty tennis shoes. Sigh. The dress shoes obviously hide with the hair brushes.

Sarah smiles

See what I mean? This girl NEEDS a brush. It’s a good thing her smile is so big – distracts you from the wispy hair.

We managed to sniffle and cough our way through a nice family church service. We didn’t sing – wouldn’t be pretty with all the hoarse voices – but we did read a chapter of Proverbs together. I LOVE studying Proverbs with the children. It has brought such a richness and, dare I say it, WISDOM to our family. Today we read Proverbs 15. I know, it’s the 18th and technically we should be reading Proverbs 18 but we’re behind. This darn flu! Tim thought we should throw caution to the wind and go back and read one of the chapters we missed. He lives dangerously even when stricken with flu/allergies.

Rachel smiles

You can see by the look on her face that Rachel is wondering if we are going to read Proverbs 16, 17, 18 AND 19 tomorrow. Yikes! That would be SOME catching up.

All of the children (even David and Sarah, ages 6 and 4 1/2) are wonderful pray-ers. They are unabashed (unless there is company present) about lifting their prayers up to the Lord. It is amazing to me to see how mature and faithful they are in speaking to God. Our family prayer time, however, usually consists mostly of thanksgiving and requests. Nothing wrong with this but it does neglect some other aspects of prayer. When I meet with my homeschooling Moms In Touch prayer group, we pray very specifically through the ACTS model.

Adoration - praising God for WHO He is
Confession - confessing to God our sins (commission and omission)
Thanksgiving - thanking God for what He has given us and what He is doing in our lives
Supplication - lifting our requests before the Lord

I love praying this way as it focuses me on the attributes of God, gives me an opportunity to open my heart up to the conviction of the Holy Spirit, and puts my requests and wants last. By the time I finally begin asking God for something, my spirit is much more in tune with who He is and what He wants for my life and the people around me.

I have been wanting to try praying this way with the children for some time but, like many good intentions, never seemed to get around to it. The night time chapter/Bible reading is Tim’s special evening time with the kids and it would be a little heavy handed for me to charge in and tell them all we’re going to pray MY WAY. That, and I’m usually enjoying some well deserved peaceful, quiet time while Tim reads to the children. One of those explanations sound like I am being sensitive and the other lazy. Hmmm.

david pushes Sarah

What an awesome big brother to push his sister on the swing (completely on his own initiative)!

Today I decided to seize the moment and explain the ACTS prayer model to the children so we could try it as a family (the younger two were upstairs playing at this point). Tim suggested going around and each person praying just one thing. We had a wonderful time of prayer. The kids all seemed to understand the concept of praising and adoring God (difficult to do as we tend to focus on what God gives us rather than who He is. I made sure everyone knew the confession time could be silent but both Tim and Rachel prayed out loud.

How kind of God to bless our sick Sunday with some special time reading His Word and praying with the children! He is so good to us.

In the afternoon I snuck in a workout at the Y with a friend. We ran all sorts of errands on the way home, ending at the produce store nearby. I LOVE going to this little produce store. It just makes me happy walking in and seeing all the fruits and veggies. My family think I am a bit addled in the brain this way but I can’t resist all the tables full of unusual and interesting produce. Plus, some of the prices are great. Healthy food and low costs – doesn’t that make everyone happy? Who needs chocolate? Don’t answer that!

It was so pretty when I got home that I suggested to the kids we go to the park. They were all VERY eager to get out of the house and get some fresh air. Daniel had some sibling trouble so he ended up staying home with Tim as punishment. The rest of us enjoyed the park although it was a bit crowded. I told David he had to stay with a brother or sister while I watched over Sarah. It was so fun catching glimpses of him chasing after Joshua and Rachel. He is NOT one who is going to be left behind.

wall climbing

This climb was a bit much for Joshua!

Tomorrow we do school and, hopefully, continue to recover. This evening at bedtime, I gave out cough medicine all around. Hopefully the children (and Tim) will get some relief and be able to sleep. I think I need a little cold medicine myself. Sniffle, sniffle.

Pass the tissues!


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P365 – Day 74 (The Flu)

I’m trying to think of something interesting or amusing to write about the flu that has invaded our home. Maybe funny isn’t really the right way to approach the flu, but I try to make these blogs readable and entertaining if possible. Hmmm. Thankfully we’re NOT facing the stomach flu or the blog would highly unreadable, rather gross with nary a picture in sight.

sick day

Bunch of sickkos watching movies!

Tim (probably hit the hardest) told me I had better be kind in what I write since I’m sure to be sick next. He said there isn’t anything funny about the flu (can you tell he’s still in the throes of it?). Oh, he and Joshua finally decided if your enemy got the flu it would be funny.

In weak, rather pathetic voices, they discussed the idea of an enemy being sick. Not their usual animated selves. Normally Joshua would be on the floor, laughing, as Tim went on and on describing the plight of a sick enemy. It’s sad to see Tim in such a weakened condition, unable even to make real jokes.

Then Joshua, in a moment to make any homeschooling mom happy said, “But remember what Proverbs says about laughing at your enemy.” I tried, frantically, to remember what Proverbs says about enemies. Finally I gave up and nonchalantly grabbed the keyboard to hit my favorite Bible website,, to track down the actual verse. Hey, he’s 13, his memory is fresher than mine!

Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when he stumbles, do not let your heart rejoice, or the LORD will see and disapprove and turn his wrath away from him. Proverbs 24:17-18

Oooo, I don’t think anyone here wants God to disapprove of us. Thanks for the reminder, Joshua. Excellent job of paying attention during our devotional time. Warms my heart!

At some point I looked around the house on Thursday, sick kids everywhere, and declared it a Sick Day. I know when to give in to the inevitable. Tim stayed home from work and moved from the couch to bed and back, at a slow, rather pathetic pace.

Daniel was on the floor when I got up in the morning. He said it was the worst night of his life (how quickly we forget those nights in the hospital, last year, recovering from an appendectomy) and that he hadn’t slept at all.

daniel sleeping

Catching a few winks on the couch.

David looked up from his bed, cheeks pink and feverish, and asked if he could stay in bed a little longer. Uh, okay. Not your usual 6 year old behavior. Sarah and Rachel were also sick.


Rachel grabbed a laptop and had her own personal movie time.

Only Joshua and I were free from the flu yuckies. We resigned ourselves to suffering along with the others in an afternoon movie break. Nothing like watching High School Musical to cheer you up – all those fun songs.

I did some reading with Sarah and David and then let them watch another movie. I don’t want to think about how many movies they watched during their sick days.

movie trio

Tim is sick himself so he’s HIGHLY sympathetic to the children’s woes and moans. He keeps telling me to take good care of them and bring them medicine and let them watch movies and play games. Nothing like feeling a bit ill yourself to increase your compassion.

I finally left the sick house and went to the Y for a workout. Sometimes a girl needs to know when to jump ship. Since everyone was ill (except for Joshua, who is old enough to fend for himself) there wasn’t a strong call for dinner. When I returned, it didn’t look like the children had budged from their movie viewing spots. I made myself a salad and handed out medicine according to age, size and symptom.

Tim says the flu is a good way to jump start a diet. I’m not sure that’s a diet I would particularly recommend, but he’s obviously trying to look on the bright side. Friends tell me the flu lasted 4 or 5 days in their house. Hmmm, when you have 7 people and the cases of flu are staggered out, overlapping here and there, how long does that mean we’ll be sick??


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