
Tuesday Tips for Parenting – Cooking Creates Memories

new logoLast week I was too tired to post a parenting tip. Such laziness! I repent of my sleepy ways. Never again will I choose sleep over blogging.

I have asked two friends to come in as Guest Bloggers for our Tuesday Tips for Parenting. I can’t wait! They are both amazing moms and I know you will love them and learn from their wisdom and experience. Thankfully this is a very slow time of year for families and moms in particular, so they have plenty of time to come by and share some thoughts with us. Ha! In other words, I’m not sure when we will welcome them to the blog, but I hope it will be soon.

In the mean time, let’s talk about COOKING with Children.

Cooking with your children is a fantastic way to train them in practical life skills, create memories, enjoy parent/child time, and participate in something that benefits the entire family.

Joshua's creation

This creation was definitely worthy of a photo.

Not only that, but you get to sit back and relax and let someone else take care of dinner and dessert. Of course, depending on the age of your children this can be more or less helpful.

I would be sure to write up a serious, rock solid contract on the kitchen clean-up duty before you enlist your children in cooking.

chocolate faceeating pineapple

Sometimes the younger children appear to make a mess and eat more than they actually help. Do not panic, that is just one step along the way to training great chefs.

sarah's got the beef

Sarah and Daniel made mini pizzas, with canned biscuits serving as the crust, as part of our dinner this evening. One way to ensure a child’s interest in a project is to offer it to a sibling. Nothing gets them rushing to help like thinking their brother or sister is having more fun than they are. Using Sibling Rivalry to Build Character would obviously be another great parenting tip. Maybe next time.

daniel's saucy

Daniel had the sauce step figured out. He tried to work with Sarah but she was just a little too heavy handed on the sauce for his liking. She obviously takes after her father. We call him The Sauce Man (but not to his face).

now some cheese

This picture should be entitled: “Pretend You Like Each Other and Weren’t Just Fighting Over the Sauce” or maybe “Staging Sibling Love for the Cooking Blog.” Not catchy but pretty accurate.

almost ready

You can see that we really did have sauce issues going on this evening. Another great reason to add cooking to your parenting toolbox. You can work out conflict, teach lessons about patience and acceptance, and do math all while making dinner. If you’re very, very lucky the children will have learned something, had fun in the process, and the meal will be edible.

So tell me, do you make it a regular practice to work in the kitchen with your children? Are you purposeful about it or is it something that just happens naturally throughout the week? What types of things are you making – baked goods, desserts, side dishes, or entire meals? Are your older children capable of planning and preparing a complete entree themselves (with more than one dish)? Do you have specific goals for your children in this area? Have you taught them some of the more complicated tasks – canning, making bread, baking pies, working with (gasp) raw meat? My older two have trouble dealing with uncooked beef or protein.

I’d love to hear what you are doing with your children regarding cooking. Please feel free to leave a comment. Thanks!

Project 365 – Day 346

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After eight days away from our children, Kathy and I were agreed: it was time for them to come home.

Colonial Williamsburg
Too bad Grandma and Grandpa brought them home in the van — this way would have been more stylish.

We thoroughly enjoyed our break away from our duties as Mom, Dad, programmer and teacher, but as the days slipped away, our hearts returned to our little family. In short, we missed ‘em.

The Wren Building
Brick paths and brick buildings under a cool October sky …

We are spiritually and relationally renewed; or if not, it wasn’t from a lack of trying. The church leadership retreat challenged the depth of our commitment to our Lord, and helped us to build some closer relationships with the staff and ministry leaders. Our trip to the east coast was a delightful mix of catching up with old friends and revisiting old haunts without feeling too er, old.

Kathy, Emiily and Rachel
It was wonderful to connect with Rachel and to see several other good friends, like Emily and Dave.

I had hoped for a little more time for Kathy and I to spend alone, but (in retrospect), I think the weekend was a perfect mix of unhurried time with friends while still leaving some ‘down time’ for Kathy and I to be alone together.

The College of Knowledge
One thing I always liked about W&M was the reassuring fact that nearly 300 years’ worth of students had attended and (apparently) survived beyond their college years.

Kathy and I were graduated from the College of William and Mary, one of the nation’s oldest colleges. Located in Williamsburg, Virginia, William and Mary was the first U.S. college to become a University (offering a graduate degree program in 1779). Nestled up against the restored historic district of Colonial Williamsburg, and just a short drive from Jamestown, the College enjoys a rich heritage and historic charm that is well appreciated by many students and their families.

Colonial Dude
It is always fun to walk around Colonial Williamsburg and interact with the costumed actors.

I first attended the College in the Fall of 1983, taking advantage of a full Army R.O.T.C. scholarship. After two years of playing wargames and frisbee (while attending only about 40% of my classes), the Army decided that my lackluster grades did not fill them with confidence that I would be fit, in spite of my oath, “to protect the Constitution of the United States against enemies, foreign or domestic.” In the summer of 1985 I was informed that the scholarship was no longer in effect, and so began a hiatus from school while I scrabbled to earn the money to return. Eventually I was required to pay back all the money they had spent on me, having been found in breach of contract as a result of my poor grades.

Computer lab at Tyler
Perhaps a little less time playing Star Trek in the computer lab … ?

After working for the Department of Agriculture for a year or so, it became evident that the best way for me to repay the money I owed while still earning enough to return to college was to join the Army as an enlisted man. At the time, the G.I. Bill and Army College Fund were generous enough for me to serve a three-year stint and ‘earn’ funds sufficient to finish school. My parents generously helped me to pay off my debt to the Army, and I signed up for a three-year enlistment as a Chaplain’s Assistant, which turned out to be just the thing I needed to grow up a little.

Where have all the frisby players gone?
Many a game of Ultimate Frisbee was played in these Sunken Gardens.

In 1989 I returned to the College of William and Mary as a sophomore (again). By this time Kathy had transferred in from a school near Richmond, and began attending Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) and Campus Crusade for Christ, where I quickly noticed her. We became acquainted during a Spring Break work project through IVCF and Habitat for Humanity, as we worked to build homes for people whose homes were destroyed by Hurricane Hugo in 1989.

Friends for a quarter-century
Jodi and Alan and their delightful family

At the end of the week, I drove Kathy and her friend, Jodi, home from South Carolina, since all three of us needed to be back in Virginia a day earlier than the rest of the group. After we counseled Kathy’s friend on her love life (she met her future husband, Alan, during the same week-long trip) and Jodi fell into an exhausted slumber, Kathy and I talked and laughed the rest of the ride home. As we crossed the border between North Carolina and Virginia, I realized that I was beginning to fall in love with her.

Marty and Carolyn
It was great to breakfast with the Purks, who encouraged and mentored us both as individual followers of Jesus and as a couple, heading for marriage.

Kathy and I spent some very happy years in school together, and we greatly enjoyed the opportunity to renew our acquaintance with a few of the local landmarks.

Dog Street
Extending from the Wren building at the tip of campus through the historic district, Duke of Gloucester Street (aka Dog Street) serves as the preferred promenade for students and tourists alike.

Calling for air support
Kathy’s parents also attended William and Mary, as did my brother and his wife. Kathy enjoyed a quick chat with her Dad while waiting for the redcoats.

The new post office
Kathy waits for a package from home …

Kathy and I never really ‘dated’, per se, but moved quickly into an intimate friendship that avoided some of the games that people play as they try to gauge the heart of their beloved. While we served on the Habitat for Humanity work project, our Inter-Varsity leaders asked us to write 3×5 ‘care cards’ of encouragement to the other members on the team, a practice which was very effective in building us into a more cohesive team. Returning to campus after the project, Kathy and I kept the practice alive, although it soon devolved into a way for just the two of us to woo each other in words. Postage at the time for on-campus mail was free, and the kindly workers would distribute new mail in our boxes three or four times a day.

Waiting for mail
Silly Kathy, doesn’t she know the Campus Post Office has moved to the new Campus Center?

We wrote hundreds (maybe thousands) of cards to each other, three or four at a time, bundled into an envelope for privacy and posted through campus mail in the basement of the Old Dominion dormitory. We quickly attracted the mail handlers’ attention and became a mascot for those who approved of young lovers — our mail was always sorted and placed in our boxes with the utmost in efficiency and courtesy. We found reasons to pass by the post office three or four times a day, and were rarely disappointed, as we shared little 3×5 slices of our hearts in a variety of pastel colors.

One of the most romantic spots on campus was the little bridge over Crim Dell. As legend has it, kissing a date on this bridge results in a future marriage with that person — Kathy and I were careful to preserve the legend … on several occasions. :)

Crim Dell Beauty

Life in college isn’t all roses, as everyone knows. Sometimes classes were hard; paper and exam deadlines seemed to come pretty fast and furious at times. I remember on several occasions being rather stressed-out, especially the first year back at school after four years away. Once I met Kathy, though, I walked around campus with a sharp eye, watching for a smiling face that brightened even the worst of days.

In the stocks
Some of those professors get downright testy when you skip their classes.

Whenever our schedule permitted, we used to meet at the Sundial, which stood near the library at a crossroads of paths among some of the academic buildings on ‘new’ campus. There were many other semi-secret meeting spots whose names still bring a smile to my lips, including the Phoenix, the Hippopotamus Stapler, and Oliver.

Sweetie at the Sundial
I’d better not leave this cute girl waiting long, or she’ll be snapped up.

Looking back over the years, I’m filled with a sense of tremendous gratitude for God’s sovereign hand and His love and kindness for us both. In spite of the squandering of my scholarship, God gave me a second chance at college, and threw in true love with Kathy, just because He can. Whenever I feel that I’m going through a hard stretch in life, and it seems God has abandoned me, I remember what good things He has given me, when my life seemed dark and grim — it helps me to hold on and wait for His goodness and grace.


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Rock Stars Siblings

The stomach bug continues to wind its unpleasant fingers through the family. It seems to be a long, tiring but mild illness. Tim and Joshua have ceased to complain of stomach cramps and pains but Rachel is taking longer to recover. She spends most of her evenings lying on the couch. I’m ready to have my Punk Rock Star back with us.

yo, dude!

‘Cause you never know when you need someone around with ATTITUDE!

Rachel holds a very special place in David’s heart. When she is sad, it troubles him deeply. He misses her when she is off with friends and is very concerned for her well-being. On Sunday Rachel and I stayed home from church. When Tim and the other children returned, David tore through the house looking for Rachel. He wasn’t content until he had hugged her and checked on how she was doing.

sing it girl!

After all, she taught him that steely eyed, COOL look. Give Rachel a brush, and boy can she belt out the tunes.

I mean, parents are nice and all that, they do feed you and occasionally wash your laundry, but when it comes to the essentials in life, you really need your siblings.

rachel and david

Sarah was the photographer of the day. Here she captures some sibling love.

Whenever I feel guilty about how fractured my time is and how I’m probably not spending enough quality time with each individual child, I catch a glimpse of them playing, building, creating, fighting, growing and laughing together. I go from guilt to contentment in a matter of minutes, thanking the Lord with all my heart that they have each other.

Tim is famous for saying, “This is the BEST family in the world!” I might be biased, but I have to agree with him.


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Such Great Advice

Okay, you all are amazing. Friends, family and total strangers chimed in on yesterday’s blog to suggest great ways to transform our family’s eating from junk food happy to healthy, fit and vibrant.

Instead of sticking with snacks like these:

look at that candy

Austin (my sweet friend, Jodi’s, son) checks out some serious candy options in downtown Williamsburg.

…instead I guess we have to bring these kind of “treats” into the home:

veggies, yum

Fruit, veggies and more.

I was so encouraged by all the helpful comments. A hearty thank you to everyone who responded. This morning Sarah and I went to the store and I made sure to fill up my grocery cart with plenty of fruits and vegetables. The kids gobbled down the apples and oranges like starving urchins and everyone enjoyed a big salad this evening.

I think I forgot that a healthy lifestyle requires continue work. I don’t know why it should be so surprising, the laundry doesn’t ever end (Hooray, I did 6 loads of laundry, now I’m done for the month. Ha! Right.) and housework is a constant responsibility, working out effectively means regular, consistent time set aside for exercise, and the spiritual disciplines are life long pursuits.

I bought two bags of apples, a bunch of bananas, a container of cherry tomatoes, some lettuce, carrots, and a big bag of oranges. These will last just days at our house. Seven people can go through a LOT of produce. However, I really appreciate all the supportive words about the importance of feeding my family healthy, nutritious food.

You all are the BEST!!

family dinner

Dinner with the Daniels

This picture has nothing to do with today’s post but it does center around food so I figure I can sneak it in. When Tim and I were in Virginia, we had the opportunity to spend some time with my aunt, uncle and two cousins. They fed us an amazing dinner. It was so delicious my mouth is literally watering over the memories.

When Tim and I were going to school in VA, and later when we lived in Connecticut, we would occasionally drop by (unannounced, of course) on my dad’s sister and her family. Inevitably, they would be hosting some sort of party or gathering. As poor college students and then poorer newlyweds, Tim and I quickly realized this was a GREAT way to get a hearty (FREE) meal. We somehow managed to “stop over” for Christmas parties, barbeques and high school reunions.

No longer impulsive college students, this time we planned far in advance. I called Saturday to see if we could come over Sunday. It’s astounding how much a person can grow and mature over the years. Ever the gracious hosts, Aunt Lee Lee and Uncle Jack put together a beautiful dinner just for us.

cousins all grown up

We managed to convince my cousin, Sye, and his wife to join us for a picture.

In honor of this topic of healthy eating, I should remark that Aunt Lee Lee served a huge fruit salad, a fresh green salad, broccoli casserole and baked sweet potatoes not to mention several other dishes. Please excuse my growling stomach, I don’t think I’ve eaten that well since we left Virginia.

If you read through the comments and think of something brilliant that was neglected, please don’t delay, get typing and pass along your Fruit and Veggie Wisdom.


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WFMW – Backwards Day

WFMW Hooray, it’s another Backwards Day at Rocks in My Dryer. Instead of doling out sage advice and tips on lofty topics like diet/exercise, better sleep w/fans, and coffee, YOU all get to guide me with your wisdom.

I can hardly wait! I need lots and lots of help in almost every category. Well, I do have ‘blogging until 1 in the morning’ down pat so I have a few things figured out. Still, that leaves all sorts of other areas in which I am pathetic and desperate.

rachel and Mia

Rachel rallied from her on-going stomach flu in order to take Mia for a walk this morning.

After much thought, list making and soul searching, I’ve decided to beg for your ideas on healthy eating for the family.


feed this boy

David is a great baseball player, but he obviously needs more veggies to keep him strong and healthy.

How do you get your children (and husbands, God love ‘em) to eat vegetables?
What kind of healthy snacks do you serve during the day?
What things are you willing to pay extra for in your budget – organic food, more expensive protein choices (fish, grass fed beef, free range chicken), supplements?
Can you share one thing in particular that you believe has highly benefited your family’s health?

sarah sweetie pie

Look at that little girl, she can’t wait to read all of your comments.

Thank you! I am so excited to hear lots of great suggestions. Go to Rocks In My Dryer and you can find all sorts of other folks who are breathlessly awaiting your words of wisdom.

Project 365 – Day 310

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